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Anderson, Leslie Lester

Date of birth:
March 1914 (Quebec, Canada)


Service number R101990.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
No. 426 (Thunderbird) Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Awarded on:
April 25th, 1943
"One night in April 1943, Pilot Officer Laskey and Sergeant Anderson were bomb aimer and wireless operator, respectively, of an aircraft detailed to attack Kiel. Whilst over the target area the aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire which damaged the rear turret, trapping the gunner. By a strenuous effort, Pilot Officer Laskey was able to move the turret sufficiently to enable the gunner to free himself. Afterwards the target was successfully bombed but, almost immediately, the aircraft was attacked by an enemy fighter and sustained further damage. In spite of this, the pilot attempted to fly the damaged bomber back to this country. During the flight Pilot Officer Laskey and Sergeant Anderson rendered much assistance but their efforts were unavailing. The aircraft came down on the sea and after five and a half hours drifting on an overturned dinghy, Pilot Officer Laskey and Sergeant Anderson, the sole survivors, were picked up. Both displayed great courage and fortitude in very trying circumstances."
Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM)

