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A few Thousand Tons of Oil Goering won't get

The War Illustrated, Volume 3, No. 47, Page 57, July 26, 1940.

Photo: A few Thousand Tons of Oil Goering won't get. This remarkable and unique photograph shows a 'plane of the Royal Air Force actually in action in maintaining the blockade. Our bomber, far above the sea, had successfully attacked an enemy tanker carrying much needed supplies of oil to the enemy. Ablaze from stem to stern the tanker is sinking in the Channel off the French coast. The photograph was taken from another bomber of the same formation. Photo, P.N.A.


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'Waste Not, Want Not' is the Motto for Wartime


'Waste Not, Want Not' is the Motto for Wartime

In the House of Commons on June 27th Mr. Herbert Morrison stated that the voluntary effort for salvage had not been altogether successful. In consequence a new Ministry of Supply order made the collec

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'We're Sailing Against England' Sing the Nazis


'We're Sailing Against England' Sing the Nazis

Said Mr. Churchill on June 19th, 1940, "The enemy is crafty, cunning and full of novel treacheries and strategies." Parachutists – once airily discounted as on offensive arm – have already proved thei

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