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Reijnierse, Izaak Willem

Date of birth:
August 21st, 1893 (Middelburg/Zeeland, the Netherlands)
Date of death:
January 23rd, 1982 (The Hague/Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands)
Dutch (1815-present, Kingdom)


September 13th, 1912: Reserve Korporaal;
July 20th, 1914: Reserve Sergeant;
November 17th, 1914: Adelborst 2e Klasse;
October 5th, 1918: Luitenant-ter-zee 3e Klasse;
October 5th, 1920: Luitenant-ter-zee 2e Klasse;
April 1st, 1929: Luitenant-ter-zee 1e Klasse;
August 16th, 1940: Kapitein-luitenant ter zee;
August 16th, 1944: Kapitein-ter-zee;
December 1st, 1949: Schout-bij-nacht.

December 29th, 1911: 3e Regiment Infanterie;
1941: Medewerker Staf der Zeemacht, Commandant der Zeemacht Nederlands-Indië;
January 31st, 1942: 1e Officier, Hr. Ms. Sumatra;
February 17th, 1943: Commandant Hr. Ms. Sumatra;
May 8th, 1945: Marinecommandant/Militair Commissaris Militair Gezag Amsterdam;
1946: President Krijgsraad Zeemacht Oosten, Batavia;
1947: Commandant Marine Willemsoord;
1949: Commandant Zeemacht Nederland, Willemsoord;
December 1st, 1950: Retirement;
1952: Hoofd Dienst Bescherming Bevolking Amsterdam.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
August 19th, 1943
Officier in de Orde van Oranje Nassau met zwaarden (ON.4x)
Second World War (1939-1945)

Awarded with two clasps.
Oorlogsherinneringskruis (OHK)

