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Ansari, Matreen Ahmed

Date of death:
October 29th, 1943 (POW Camp, Hong Kong)
Buried on:
Commonwealth War Graves Stanley (Hong Kong)
Plot: 1. Row: E. Grave: 1.


Captain Ansari was beheaded on 29th October 1943, POW Camp, Hong Kong.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
5/7th Rajput Regiment, East Brigade, Hong Kong British Forces, British Army
Awarded on:
April 18th, 1946
From the time of capitulation of Hong Kong, Captain Ansari was separated from his fellow officers and confined with Indian Other Ranks. Every effort was made to seduce him and so obtain his influence to lead others away from their allegiance. He steadfastly continued both by word and example to counter-act all traitorous propaganda and resolutely opposed all attempts at undermining the loyalty of his compatriots.

In May 1942, after warnings and beatings had produced no effect, he was thrown into Stanley Jail where he remained until September 1942, by which time owing to starvation and brutal ill-treatment, which is alleged to have included mutilations, he had become unable to walk. He was released to a camp hospital. On recovering sufficiently he returned to an Indian Other Ranks camp and not only resumed his previous efforts but also organised a system for aiding escapers.

In May 1943, he was betrayed and again thrown into Stanley Jail where he was starved and brutally tortured for several months. Fellow prisoners, both British and Indian, have testified that during this period his outstanding courage and defiance were such as to excite the admiration of all. Finally he was tried and beheaded.

Throughout his long and terrible ordeal his loyalty, courage and endurance never wavered. His example undoubtedly assisted many to remain loyal in spite of sufferings and privation and his name became a by-word for deliberate and cold-blooded heroism.

Ansari's George Cross was presented to his sister by Lord Wavell.
George Cross

