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The SA-Sportsbadge (SA-Sportabziechen), also known as SA-Wehrabzeichen, was instituted by Adolf Hitler on 28th November 1933 and recognized as an official Party Decoration by the NSDAP on 6th November 1936. It was introduced to recognize the fysical health of SA-Members. In 1935, the name was changed to SA-Wehrabzeichen and it was permitted to be worn by not SA-members on 18th February 1935.
At first there was a Golden, Silver and Bronze award. In 1943, there was a new award introduced for wounded SA-members.

To be able to receive the decoration, a number of tests had to be done. The tests consisted of three groueps:

Group 1:
Physical Exercise
- 100 yard sprint
- Long Jump
- Weightlifting
- Long-distance throw of dummy grenade
- 3000 meter run

Group 2:
Defence Exercise
- packed 25 kilometer march
- small caliber arms fire
- aimed grenade throwing
- 200 meter assault course in gas-mask over 4 obstcales
- swimming or cycling speed test
- test of elementray First Aid techniques

Group 3:
Field Exercises
- map reading
- judging terrain and estimating ranges
- signalling
- reconnaissance work

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Hamann, Erich17-04-191427-04-1944
Huemer, Hans19-01-192220-12-1943
Hofmann, Ludwig28-02-191510-06-1942
Hellmuth, Otto22-07-189620-04-1968more
Hosenfeld, Wilm02-05-189513-08-1952more
Harster, Dr. jur., Wilhelm21-07-190425-12-1991more
Hitzfeld, Otto-Maximilian07-05-189806-12-1990more


SA Sports Badge in Gold
Goldenes SA-SportabzeichenSA Sports Badge in Gold
In the database: 23
SA Sports Badge in Silver
Silberes SA-SportabzeichenSA Sports Badge in Silver
In the database: 27
SA Sports Badge in Bronze
Bronzes SA-SportabzeichenSA Sports Badge in Bronze
In the database: 256
SA Military Sports Badge for War Wounded
SA Wehrabzeichen für KriegsversehrteSA Military Sports Badge for War Wounded
In the database: 0
