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United States (1776 - present, Republic)

Spotlighted out of 15.656 persons in the database

Aalbu, Arne Oscar* September 22nd, 1911
† December 9th, 1944

Aaron, John Daniel* February 10th, 1923
† November 27th, 1944
Plot: B Row: 4 Grave: 32

Aaron, Thomas Richard* January 4th, 1918
† May 2nd, 2014

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Lynch, Leo T., Jr. 04-04-1945
Lewis, Charles H. 26-02-1945
Loraine, Gerald J.00-00-191319-05-1976
Libey, Clyde F.10-12-192401-07-1996
Leist, Leroy 04-02-1944more
Luster, Sam  
Littrell, Milton E. 17-05-1943
La Cour, John M.  
Lucadamo, Ernest D., Jr.16-02-1916 
Lynch, Lester  
Lockner, Louis W.03-03-191225-10-1942
Lange, Robert F. 27-03-1945
Long, Talton W.  
Lodge, Albert H., jr  
Lindsay, J.C.  
Lindquist, Roy E.18-02-190719-11-1986more
Lilley, Fred R.  
Lester, Paul T.31-05-192002-10-1975
Leahy, William Daniel06-05-187519-07-1959more
Leahy, Osmund A.31-08-191509-12-1989more
LaFollette, Howard M.03-05-191904-10-2002
Lacolino, James C.  
Lanier, Fulton P. 31-01-1944
Lyth, Dale C.30-11-1919 
Lynes, Richard J.  
Lynch, Richard Barr  
Lynch, Kevin Patrick25-01-1922 
Lynch, John Joseph21-10-191121-11-1988
Lynch, Frank C.27-10-1914 
Lyman, Robert C.  
Luther, Hubert C. 20-11-1943
Luther, Earl F., Jr.  
Lutchkus, George F.  
Lurvey, Don Dexter  
Lumpkin, George T.  
Luedmann, Carl Frederick  
Ludwig, David W.  
Lucas, John D.  
Loy, Jackson Keith29-04-192212-11-1942
Lowry, Frank J.  
Lowrance, Vernon L.  
Lowe, Harry James, Jr.  
Lowe, Frank L.  
Lowe, Edward Stuart23-05-1906 more
Loverin, Ira G.  
Louth, Harold Louis09-09-192128-12-1943
Loughlin, Charles Elliott  
Lough, John Cady  
Loud, Wayne R.  
Lorenz, John D.  
Lorenz, Edward George  
Looney, Milton Parker  
Looney, Foster E.  
Longazel, Michael18-02-1922 
Long, George L.  
Logan, Samuel Moore  
Logan, John R., Jr.  
Loftis, Wallace G.  
Loesch, Gregory K.  
Loeffel, Glen B.  
Lodholz, Royce P.  
Locke, Chester M.  
Locke, Charles R.  
Lloyd, William Rees23-09-191606-05-1942
Lloyd, Rudolph  
Livingston, James Harold  
Livezey, John C.  
Livesey, Benjamin R.  
Livesay, Melvin G.26-06-192111-11-1944
Liversedge, Harry Bluett "Harry the Horse"21-09-189425-11-1951
Littlefield, Jack  
Little, James T.  
Little, Edwin C.  
Linsday, Bruce Albert  
Linn, Jack Bion  
Line, John Herman (USN)  
Lindstrom, Ross Alferd  
Lindsey, Eugene Elbert  
Lindsay, Elwwod Q.  
Lindsay, Elvin Lester "Lin"25-06-192007-08-2007
Lindblad, Carl J.  
Lilja, George 19-09-1944
Lightner, Earl Fred  
Lidenberg, Ernest M.  
Ley, Frederick C., Jr.  
Lewis, Wray C.  
Lewis, Victor A.  
Lewis, Milton  
Lewis, Donald  
Lewellen, Bafforsd Edward  
Lester, Kenna M.04-12-1915 
Leslie, Maxwell F.  
Leslie, John Carleton  
Leslie, Dale M.  
Lerch Alfred (USN)13-08-192203-03-2000
Leppla, John Arthur  
Leonard, William Richard, Jr.  
Leonard, William Nicholas  more
Lent, Willis Ashford "Pilly"05-01-190428-08-1959more
Lemmon, Rolla Stuart  
Lemcke, Julius O.  
LeHardy, Louis M.  
Legg, James C.  
LeFrançois, Wilfred Sylvio00-00-190109-06-1952more
Leeper, Charles D.04-07-192412-01-1989
Leeker, Wallace F.  
Leedom, Marvin Leroy  
Lee, Willis A., Jr.  
Lee, John W.18-01-192013-03-1998
Lee, John Marshall14-10-191411-09-2003
Lee, John E.  
Lee, James Richard  
Lee, James Luther, Jr.08-09-1924 
Lee, Fitzhugh  
Lee, Clyde Jameson  
Lecklider, Russell Paul24-11-191807-01-1977
LeCaptain, Bernhard (USN)  
LeBlanc, Joseph G.  
Leaper, John W.  
Leake, Thomas Murray  
Laz, LeRoy Lester  
Lawton, Ernest James, Jr.  
Lawrence, John Creig03-11-191711-05-2002
Lawrence, Henry G., Jr.  more
Lawley, Alvin Wilfred26-08-191718-06-1945
Lautrup, George W., Jr.  
Laughon, Willard R.  
Lauderdale, Claude E.  
Laub, Robert Edward  
Lattin, Jack Malcolm  
Latta, De Vere, Frank10-01-190904-05-1945more
Latham, Richard Clark  
Latch, Darius W.  
Lasco, Donald  
Larson, Nils Rodney18-12-191321-04-1976
Larsen, Orrin K.  
Larsen, Leor B.  
Larsen, Leif Walther  
Larsen, Harold Henry "Swede"11-08-191106-02-1994
Laroe, Edward Terhune  
Larkin, Edward William, Jr.  
LaQuintano, James Joseph  
LaPrade, Robert M.  
Lape, Eugene J.R.  
Lanphier, Thomas O., Jr.  
Laning, Caleb B.  
Lanigan, John R.  
Langrall, James Harker  
Langford, N.J.  
Langdon, Richard H.  
Langdon, Ned W.  
Lang, Lawrence A.  
Lang, James P.  
Lane, Charles Smith  
Landes, Robert Jellison  
Lampman, Leland R.  
Lambert, Valdemar Greene05-04-191518-08-2008
Lamberson, William Lacey  
Lamb, William E.  
Lamb, Charles T.  
Lamade, John D.  
Lahodney William J.  
Laffan, John James  
Labate, Augustus D. "Gus"01-11-191807-06-1944
Larson, Vernon Henry  
Lane, John E. 07-06-1944
Leary, Thomas H.  
Little, Ernest W.01-12-191830-01-1945
Lumino, Joseph J.  
Loerch, Robert H.14-10-192216-06-2008
Leeuw, De, Wayne R. 07-04-1945
Lyle, Lewis E. 06-04-2008more
Leckie, Robert "Lucky"18-12-192024-12-2001
Lummus, Andrew Jackson, Jr. "Jack"22-10-191508-03-1945more
Lucas, Jacklyn Harrell "Jack"14-02-192805-06-2008
Lopez, Jose M.10-07-191016-05-2005
Logan, James Marion19-12-192009-10-1999more
Lobaugh, Donald Ronald07-02-192522-07-1944
Lloyd, Edgar Harold28-02-192214-09-1944
Lindstrom, Floyd K.21-06-191203-02-1944
Lindsey, Jake William01-05-192118-07-1988
Lindsey, Darrell Robins30-12-191909-08-1944more
Lester, Fred Faulkner29-04-192608-06-1945
Leonard, Turney White18-06-192106-11-1944
Leims, John Harold08-06-192128-06-1985
Lee, Daniel Warnel, Sr.23-06-191922-01-1985
Laws, Robert Earl18-01-192101-01-1990more
Lawley, William Robert, Jr. "Bill"23-08-192029-05-1999more
La Belle, James Dennis22-11-192508-03-1945