Photo Album Thomas Jefferson Whatley III
This is the photo archive of Thomas Jefferson Whatley III, made available to us by his daughter Becky Bartos, who generously sent us her father's collection of photographs from his time with the 8th Field Artillery Observation Battalion, in World War II in Europe 1944-1945.
Whatley was born on 25 March 1923 in Dothan, Alabama. He volunteered for active duty on 8 December 1941. He had his basic training at Ft Sill, Oklahoma. He was trained to find enemy guns by their flash. He then went to the 8th Field Artillery Observation Battalion in Northern Oklahoma at Camp Gruber.
19 September/16 December 1944 - T.J. and the 8th FAOB engaged in the battle of Hürtgen Forest. September/October 1944 - T.J. and the 8th FAOB are at Rimburg Castle, on the front line. During this attack, the castle was heavily defended by the Germans. Rimburg was liberated on 2 October 1944. 2 December 1945 - T.J. is discharged at Ft. McPherson, Georgia.
For more photos and his story, see also the story at Normandy Then and Now.
Schloss Rimburg
Schloss Rimburg
Schloss Rimburg
Schloss Rimburg