The Kriegsmarine "Schützenschnur" was made of blue wool. Sometimes exemples have been noticed form synthetic fabric or silk. The cord bears oaks or other devices to depict the grade.
For rifleshooters and machinegunshooters the cord bears an oak on the cord. The oak measures 3.5 cm long and 1.3 cm wide. The oak was givenan inscripted line for light machinegunners and two for heavy machinegunners. For light anti aicraftgunners and observers the oak was replaced with a granade with wings. The granade measures 3cm by 1.5 cm. A 3-3.5 cm long and 1.3-1.5 cm wide granade and the cord mixed with aluminium wire was used for commanders of guncrew. commanders of anti-aircraftcrews received the same cord, but with granades bearing wings. The same cord with aluminium wire was used for torpedogunners together with a 5 cm long and 1cm wide torpedo. The devices could be worn mixed.