The "Königliche Sächsische Verdienstorden" was instituted on June 7th, 1815 by King Frederick August I as the "Zivilverdienstorden". The order could be awarded for merit to the Kingdom of Saxony.
At first the Order was devided into five classes, the "Großkreuz", the "Komturkreuz I. Klasse", the "Komturkreuz II. Klasse, the "Ritterkreuz" and the "Kleinkreuz". Besides that the order had two medals, the "Goldene Verdienstmedaille" and the "Silberne Verdienstmedaille".
In 1849 the "Zivilverdienstorden" was changed to the "Verdienstorden" and could be awarded for military merit by adding two crossed swords.
On March 18th, 1858 the "Kleinkreuz" was changed to "Ehrenkreuz" and on January 31st, 1876 to "Ritterkreuz II. Klasse". With the change, the "Goldenen Verdienstmedaille" was transformed to "Verdienstkreuz".