The Krzyz Zaslugi za Dzielnosc (Cross of Merit for Valor) was instituted by the Polish president on March 7th, 1928. The decoration was to be awarded to officers of the state police, military from the border guard corps and custom officers for meritorious achievement in which exceptional courage was shown, with risk for life and health.
The regulations were adjusted on May 25th, 1939 after which also soldiers of the Polish Army, officers of the State Police and the police of Silesia and the border guards could receive the decoration.
The same person was only entitled to receive the decoration three times and it was eventually presented by the prime minister on recommendation by the minister of interior affairs, the minister of finance and the minister of defence. The decoratioon also replaced the original Krzyz Zaslugi awarded before 1928 to military, police officers and custom officers when the criteria of the awaridng met those of the new decoration.