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Russia (1721-1917, Empire)


Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle the First-Called - Diamonds
Orden Svyatogo apostola Andreya Pervozvannogo - DiamondsOrder of Saint Andrew the Apostle the First-Called - Diamonds
In the database: 0
Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle the First-Called - Chain / Sash and Star
Orden Svyatogo apostola Andreya Pervozvannogo - Chain / Sash and StarOrder of Saint Andrew the Apostle the First-Called - Chain / Sash and Star
In the database: 2
Order of the Holy Martyr Catharine - Dame
Orden svjatoj velikomoetsjennitsy Jekateriny - DameOrder of the Holy Martyr Catharine - Dame
In the database: 0
Order of the Holy Martyr Catharine - Dame Grand Cordon
Orden svjatoj velikomoetsjennitsy Jekateriny - Dame Grand CordonOrder of the Holy Martyr Catharine - Dame Grand Cordon
In the database: 5
Order of Saint George - 1st Class
Orden Svyatogo Georgiya - I Order of Saint George - 1st Class
In the database: 3
Order of Saint George - 2nd Class
Orden Svyatogo Georgiya - IIOrder of Saint George - 2nd Class
In the database: 6
Order of Saint George - 3rd Class
Orden Svyatogo Georgiya - IIIOrder of Saint George - 3rd Class
In the database: 10
Order of Saint George - 4th Class
Orden Svyatogo Georgiya - IVOrder of Saint George - 4th Class
In the database: 40
Gold Sword for Bravery / Saint George Sword
Gold Sword for Bravery / Saint George SwordIn the database: 11
Imperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 1st Class
Imperatorskij orden Swjatowo Rawnoapostolnogo welikowo knjasja Wladimira - IImperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 1st Class
In the database: 3
Imperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 2nd Class
Imperatorskij orden Swjatowo Rawnoapostolnogo welikowo knjasja Wladimira - IIImperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 2nd Class
In the database: 2
Imperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 3rd Class
Imperatorskij orden Swjatowo Rawnoapostolnogo welikowo knjasja Wladimira - IIIImperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 3rd Class
In the database: 12
Imperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 4th Class
Imperatorskij orden Swjatowo Rawnoapostolnogo welikowo knjasja Wladimira - IVImperial Order of the Holy Apostle-Prince Saint Vladimir - 4th Class
In the database: 31
Imperial Order of the Holy and Righteous Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky
Imperatorskij Orden Swjatowo Blagowernowo Welikowo Knjasja Alexandra NewskowoImperial Order of the Holy and Righteous Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky
In the database: 12
Imperial Order of the White Eagle
Imperatorskij Orden Belogo orlaImperial Order of the White Eagle
In the database: 6
Order of Saint Anna - 1st Class
Orden Swjatoi Anny - IOrder of Saint Anna - 1st Class
In the database: 12
Order of Saint Anna - 2nd Class
Orden Swjatoi Anny - IIOrder of Saint Anna - 2nd Class
In the database: 28
Order of Saint Anna - 3rd Class
Orden Swjatoi Anny - IIIOrder of Saint Anna - 3rd Class
In the database: 34
Order of Saint Anna - 4th Class
Orden Swjatoi Anny - IVOrder of Saint Anna - 4th Class
In the database: 20
Imperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 1st Class
Orden Svjatogo Stanislava - IImperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 1st Class
In the database: 11
Imperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 2nd Class
Orden Svjatogo Stanislava - IIImperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 2nd Class
In the database: 34
Imperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 3rd Class
Orden Svjatogo Stanislava - IIIImperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 3rd Class
In the database: 36
Imperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 4th Class
Orden Svjatogo Stanislava - IVImperial Order of Saint Stanislaus - 4th Class
In the database: 6
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Grand Commander
Orden Sviatogo Ioanna Ieroesalimskogo - IOrder of Saint John of Jerusalem - Grand Commander
In the database: 0
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Commander
Orden Sviatogo Ioanna Ieroesalimskogo - IIOrder of Saint John of Jerusalem - Commander
In the database: 0
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Cavalier
Orden Sviatogo Ioanna Ieroesalimskogo - IIIOrder of Saint John of Jerusalem - Cavalier
In the database: 0

Medals for Merit and Bravery (Not Orders)

Decoration of the Military Order of Saint George
Decoration of the Military Order of Saint GeorgeIn the database: 0
Cross of Saint George - 1st Class
Georgiyevskiy Krest - ICross of Saint George - 1st Class
In the database: 0
Cross of Saint George - 2nd Class
Georgiyevskiy Krest - IICross of Saint George - 2nd Class
In the database: 0
Cross of Saint George - 3rd Class
Georgiyevskiy Krest - IIICross of Saint George - 3rd Class
In the database: 0
Cross of Saint George - 4th Class
Georgiyevskiy Krest - IVCross of Saint George - 4th Class
In the database: 0

Jubilee Medals