In 1858 General Fabre Geffrard ended the Second Haitian EMpire through revolution. After this Haiti became a Republic with Geffrard as president. In 1867 Geffrard was succeeded du to a coup by Sylvain Salnave. The decades after this the United States, France and later Germany tried to extend their influence in the country. The difficult situation led to several coups. Eventually they led to the US invasion in 1915 and occupation until 1934. After the US forces left in 1934, the country again was involved in struggle between several political and military factions, which eventually resulted in the Duvalier dictatorship. Again under pressure of the United States, Duvalier was overthrown in 1986. After this the situation not much changed and the unrest led to military action from the United States and later the United Nations. At this moment Haiti is has a democratic chosen government.