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Brazil (1889-present, Republic)

Brasil was part of the Alliance against het Axis from 1942 until 1945. Some 25.000 men were send with the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) and 42 pilots with 400 men with the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) to the European Theatre of war. They mostly operated at the Italian Front.

The losses for the Air Force were as known:
2nd Lieutenants John Lamb Richardson and Smith were killed in action on the outskirts of Bologna, on November 6th, 1944.
2nd Lieutant John Mauricio Campos de Medeiros was killed in action, near Alessandria, on January 2nd, 1945.
1st Lieutenant Aurelio Vieira Sampaio was shot down near Milan, on January 2nd, 1945.
Asp. Reserve Gustavo Frederico dos Santos was killed by the explosion of a deposit by him destroyed, north of Casarea, on April 22nd, 1945.
1st Lieutenant Luiz Lopes Dornelles was killed in action in Scandiano, on April 22nd, 1945.

The Group lost four officers, victims of aviation accidents in areas of war operations, namely:
2nd Lieutenant Dante Gastaldoni Isidore, on May 18th, 1944, Agua Dulce, Panama Canal.
2nd Lieutenant Oldegard Sapucaia Olsen, on November 7th, 1944 in Tarquinia Italy.
1st Lieutenants Small Waldyr Rittmeister and...

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Grand Cross to the Order of the Southern Cross
Grã-Cruz del Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do SulGrand Cross to the Order of the Southern Cross
In the database: 12
Grand Official to the National Order of the Southern Cross
Grande Oficial Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do SulGrand Official to the National Order of the Southern Cross
In the database: 6
Commander in the National Order of the Southern Cross
Comendador del Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do SulCommander in the National Order of the Southern Cross
In the database: 3
Officer to the National Order of the Southern Cross
Oficial del Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do SulOfficer to the National Order of the Southern Cross
In the database: 3
Knight to the National Order of the Southern Cross
Cavaleiro del Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do SulKnight to the National Order of the Southern Cross
In the database: 4
Grand Cross to the Order of Military Merit
Grã-Cruz del Ordem do Mérito MilitarGrand Cross to the Order of Military Merit
In the database: 4
Grand Officer to the Order of Military Merit
Grande Oficial del Ordem do Mérito MilitarGrand Officer to the Order of Military Merit
In the database: 4
Commander to the Order of Military Merit
Comendador del Ordem do Mérito MilitarCommander to the Order of Military Merit
In the database: 2
Officer to the Order of Military Merit
Oficial del Ordem do Mérito MilitarOfficer to the Order of Military Merit
In the database: 1
Knight to the Order of Military Merit
Cavaleiro del Ordem do Mérito MIlitarKnight to the Order of Military Merit
In the database: 0
Grand Cross to the Order of Naval Merit
Grã-Cruz del Ordem do Mérito NavalGrand Cross to the Order of Naval Merit
In the database: 2
Grand Officer to the Order of Naval Merit
Grande Oficial del Ordem do Mérito NavalGrand Officer to the Order of Naval Merit
In the database: 1
Commander to the Order of Naval Merit
Comendador del Ordem do Mérito NavalCommander to the Order of Naval Merit
In the database: 1
Officer to the Order of Naval Merit
Oficial del Ordem do Mérito NavalOfficer to the Order of Naval Merit
In the database: 1
Knight to the Order of Naval Merit
Cavaleiro del Ordem do Mérito NavalKnight to the Order of Naval Merit
In the database: 0
Grand Cross to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
Grâ-Cruz della Ordem do Mérito AeronáuticoGrand Cross to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
In the database: 1
Grand Officer to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
Grande Official della Ordem do Mérito AeronáuticoGrand Officer to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
In the database: 1
Commander to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
Comendador della Ordem do Mérito AeronáuticoCommander to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
In the database: 1
Officer to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
Official della Ordem do Mérito AeronáuticoOfficer to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
In the database: 0
Knight to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
Cavaleiro della Ordem do Mérito AeronáuticoKnight to the Order of Aeronautical Merit
In the database: 1

Medals for Merit and Bravery (Not Orders)

Combat Cross 1st Class
Cruz de Combate de 1a ClasseCombat Cross 1st Class
In the database: 0
Combar Cross 2nd Classe
Cruz de Combate de 2a ClasseCombar Cross 2nd Classe
In the database: 1
Cross of Bravery
Cruz du BravuraCross of Bravery
In the database: 5
War Medal
Medalha de GuerraWar Medal
In the database: 8

Campaign and Service Awards

Cross of Aviation A
Cruz de Aviação ACross of Aviation A
In the database: 2
Cruz de Aviação BIn the database: 0
Medalha Militar de Ouro com passador de platinaIn the database: 1
Medalha Militar de Ouro com passador de ouroIn the database: 0
Medalha Militar de Prata com passador de prataIn the database: 0
Medalha Militar de Bronze com passador de bronzeIn the database: 2
WW2 Campaign Medal
Medalha de CampanhaWW2 Campaign Medal
In the database: 9
Medal of War Service WW2
Medalha de Serviços de GuerraMedal of War Service WW2
In the database: 1
Medal for the Italian Campaign
Medalha de Campanha da ItáliaMedal for the Italian Campaign
In the database: 3
South Atlantic Campaign Medal
Medalla do Campanha Atlantico SulSouth Atlantic Campaign Medal
In the database: 1

Wounded and Passed-Away Awards

Wounded Cross
Cruz de SangueWounded Cross
In the database: 1
Blood of Brazil Medal
Medalha de Sangue do BrasilBlood of Brazil Medal
In the database: 1