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Laatste Bericht

Laatste Bericht
Ereveld van Indiλ en Nieuw Guinea
Kooistra, J.
1e druk
Aantal pagina's:
Penn Communicatie
Jaar van uitgifte:

Related sights

Related persons

Akker, van den, Leonardus* September 26th, 1912
† July 15th, 1947

Callaars, Joseph Hubertus Gerardus* November 6th, 1928
† December 29th, 1948
Plot: AA Grave: 13

Goch, Godefridus Hubertus van* March 26th, 1910
† January 19th, 1947
Plot: VIII Grave: 148

Hamel, George Anthony* June 5th, 1926
† May 11th, 1949
Plot: A Grave: 153

Heijden, Antonius Johannes van der* June 16th, 1926
† June 25th, 1947
Plot: V Grave: 311

Heugten, van, Josephus* January 27th, 1928
† May 9th, 1949
Plot: C Grave: 291

Klumpers, Godefridus Jacobus* December 16th, 1926
† January 18th, 1949
Plot: D Grave: 42

Nederveen, Johannes Henricus Maria* January 8th, 1927
† April 16th, 1949
Plot: A Grave: 20

Pijnenburg, Antonius Johannes* March 25th, 1925
† March 18th, 1947
Plot: IV Row: 71 Grave: 7DD

Pijnenburg, Gerardus Cornelis Josephus* May 8th, 1927
† July 4th, 1949
Plot: I Grave: 317

Raymakers, Adam Henricus Cornelis* January 9th, 1927
† June 16th, 1949
Plot: A Grave: 63

Reek, Johannes Hendrikus Jacobus van den* June 16th, 1921
† January 24th, 1946
Plot: C Grave: 173

Rooijakkers, Cornelis* August 15th, 1918
† July 2nd, 1946
Plot: C Grave: 197

Strijbosch, Leonardus Hubertus* December 21st, 1925
† May 3rd, 1948
Plot: III Row: 43 Grave: 7DD

Vos, Petrus Johannes* February 18th, 1927
† May 11th, 1946
Plot: C Grave: 22