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Righteous Behind Barbed Wire

Righteous Behind Barbed Wire
Armin Wegner & Ludwig Wörl
Prenger, K.
Wulfften Palthe, A.A.W. van
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In Germany, there are few reminders of human rights activist Armin T. Wegner and Auschwitz survivor Ludwig Wörl. In the Nazi period, both of these non-Jewish Germans stood up for their Jewish compatriots, actions for which they were honored after the war as Righteous among the Nations by the Israeli Holocaust Memorial Center, Yad Vashem. Unlike the Righteous from neutral, hostile or German-occupied countries, Wegner and Wörl opposed the policy of their own government headed by dictator Adolf Hitler. Although they were citizens of the ‘perpetrators’ nation’, they stood up for the victims. In that way they showed themselves as immune to anti-Semitism and the murderous lust many compatriots either did not resist or, worse, took part in. In addition to caring about the fate of Jews in Germany, Wegner and Wörl had another thing in common: they were themselves victims of persecution by the Nazis and were political prisoners in Hitler’s concentration camps. How did they get there, and what did they do to defend their fellow Jews from Nazi hatred?

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Armin T. Wegner and his letter to Hitler

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New book: Righteous Behind Barbed Wire

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Related persons

Wegner, Armin Theophil* October 16th, 1886
† May 17th, 1978

Wörl, Ludwig* February 28th, 1906
† August 27th, 1967