Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript. |
Army Form C.2118 |
Unit: HQ 159 Infantry Brigade | ||
Month and Year: October 1944 | (Erase heading not required). | Commanding Officer: Brigadier J.B. Churcher |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary | Reference |
13 | The 3 (Brit) Div continued their adv and by the end of the day had two Bdes in the Wood, south of OVERLOON. We continued to send out aggressive patrols with good results. A small party was laid on by 4 Ksli to clean up 24 Huns who were dug in just this side of the MAAS by the Wier of SAMBEEK. This was carried out during the afternoon with excellent results, all the enemy being accounted for, including 14 Pw. The mortaring and shelling of our fwd posns became less as the 3rd Brit advanced although in the early evening the Bn Hq of 4 Ksli was heavily stonked. Orders had been given out to all units in the 159 Inf Bde Gp, which consisted of the 4th Ksli, 1 Hereford, 15/19 H, 2 Ff Yeo, one bty 117 of 75 A Tk Regt, for the move through the 3rd (Brit) Div to our objective, no specific time being given as it depended on the progress of 3 (Brit) Div. |
Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Pim van Gelder.
Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.