Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript. |
Army Form C.2118 |
Unit: 2nd Bn The Royal Warwickshire Regt | ||
Month and Year: October 1944 | (Erase heading not required). | Commanding Officer: |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary | Reference |
Holland | 16 | The pontoon bridging did not arrive until 0300 hours in the morning, so 'B' and 'D' companies eventually started to move at 0430 hours to cross the MOLENBEEK. This was to be done in silence, if possible, artillery only being called for if required. Both companies made crossings over the beek in spite of heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire and large number of schu mines. 'D' company also encountered heavy small arms opposition from the farm buildings on the other side of the beek but they very effectively dealt with this opposition, killing a large number of enemy and taking fourty prisoners. Before they were able to stabilise this position their leading platoon was again attacked and a sharp hand to hand fight ensued, before they were able to drive off this attack. As soon as the bridgehead was firm, 'A' and 'C' companies moved through 'B' and 'D' companies and the barrage started at 0700 hours for the further advance on BRABANDER. 1 Norfolk on the left were unable to make any progress owing to heavy opposition from the woods on their left, but 'A' and 'C' companies pressed on under heavy mortar and artillery fire and small arms opposition. Meanwhile a squadron of tanks had been making a very difficult passage over the MOLENBEEK, great difficulty being experienced in getting the bridge across. However they eventually were able to get most of the squadron across and these went up to join 'A' and 'C' companies as quickly as possible. With the help of the tanks 'A' and 'C' companies were able to deal with any opposition in their path and by about 1500 hours 'A' company was established on the cross roads in the centre of BRABANDER and 'C' company in the area of the hospital about 778277, having destroyed a large number of enemy and taken a certain number of prisoners. 'B' and 'D' companies had followed them up and were now established along the lateral road in Square 7728. The battalion was now ordered to consolidate in these positions, as neither 1 Norfolk on the left nor 8 Br Inf BDE on the right had been able to make much progress and the battalion was far in advance of anybody on its right or left. 2 KSLI now moved up behind the battalion to attack the wood which had been 1 Norfolk objective from the south west but by the time they had moved up it was too late to start this operation before it got dark. The battalion had been succesful in taking its objective in spite of all difficulties; the only battalion in the Division to do so, but they had very heavy casualties in achieving this success. Casulaties during the day were as follows:- Officers - killed: Lt RG Bennett. Wounded: Maj FC Butterworth, Capt AC Gilbert, Capt CW Moxham, Capt CW Jarvis, Lt F Nankivell. Other ranks - killed 6, wounded 50, missing 1. |
Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Theo Vervoort.
Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.