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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 2nd Bn The Royal Warwickshire Regt
Month and Year: November 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt-Col D.L.A. Gibbs DSO
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
HOLLAND 1-15   During this period the Battallion remained completely static in the area of VENRAY, holding the line between exclusive St.Servatius monastery on the left and the exclusive the factory at 782255 on the right. 2 KSLI were holding the area around the St Servatius monastery with 1 Norfolk to the North on their left and the rest of the division beyond them to the North and North East. on the right of the battallion was a squadron of the Inns Of Court regiment in the area of the factory and behind them to the south, 11 Armoured Division. The enemy were sitting in close proximity to 2KSLI In BRUKSKE an LULL, with strong position at OOSTRUM. On the battallions front practically no contact was made with them. For this reason it was found possible to leave one company 'out'in the area KLEINDORP for training , holding the front with three companys. Accomodation was good and nearly all ranks were able to live in cellars with communication trenches running there battle positions. The company back in KLEINDORP was changed over every five days so that all companies , with exception of "D"company , were able to go "out"for a period of training. Visits to cinemas and Theatres went on regulary and allotments for Div Clubs, 8 Corps rest Centre and Brussels leave also went on regularly. However, this seemingly quiet and and safe existence was somewhat spoiled by German mortar and shell fire which increased every day and by the end of the period , was very heavy in some places. The following casualties were caused these days: Killed - 2 Wounded - 10 Missing - Nil. The battallion Snipers were loaned to 2KSLI and did very good work with them claiming a good number of casualties to the Germans. A large number of recce patrols were sent out to get to know the country and the crossing over the OOSTRUM beek, in preparation for a possible attack by the battallion in this direction. All these patrols carried out recces without incident. On 14 November 44 the Commander in Chief visited the Division and presented awards to the following mebers of teh Battallion: Lt-Col DLA Gibbs DSO Bar to DSO, Maj HC Illing MC, Cpl Garrett MM. To this period the following Officers and other ranks joined th Battallion: 2 Nov 1944 - CAP DAL Pile, Lt DW Critchfield. 3 Nov 1944 - 2/Lt TK Hood, 2/Lt WG Harrison, 3 Nov 44- 31 ORs, 7 Nov - 3 Ors, 12 Nov 44 - 25 ORs, 15 Nov 44 41 ORs. Maj HC Illing MC relinquished the appointment of Adjudant in 1 Nov 44 and was succeeded by Capt JR Allen.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Theo Vervoort.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.