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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: HQ, 9 Brit Inf Bde.
Month and Year: August 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Brig. G.D. Browne
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
10   Nothing further of event was reported. Our patrols continued to dominate the area. The force we have encountered in this phase of the battle consists of the 3rd and 5th German Paratp Divs. These divs have already suffered many cas and though, by PW statements, they are sadly depleted and battered, they remain a tenacious foe who, by skilful positioning of MGs and mortars, continue to harass our adv. Evidence tends to prove that these two Para Divs are now unified under one comd.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.