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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 9 Brit Inf Bde
Month and Year: November 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Brig. G.D. Browne
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
13 0530 Another quiet night with no enemy contact by either 2 Lincolns or 3 Recce Regt. Patrol 3 Recce Regt to br 809341 heard mov, talking and walking between 807341, where they lay up, and 809341. No enemy were actually seen but they are obviously holding DEN BOSCHE br 809341 and the Northern course of the MOLENBEEK in the same str as heretofore. Ambush coy 1 KOSB moved off to VERLINGSBEEK and will stay in posn there throughout the day. The plan is for one pl to take up posn West of the main rd area 805347, one pl West of the main rd at 805348 and the remaining pl in area 803346 closing at its Western end the gap between the two, thus will be formed a hollow square with open end at the Eastern approach to the village.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.