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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: HQ 9 Brit Inf Bde
Month and Year: December 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Brig. G.D. Browne
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
13 1440 HF on suspected enemy posns at 836318 and 826334 brought fierce retaliatory fire from a newly located bty in the area of 9135. This was a rather encouraging indication that the posns shelled by our guns contain enemy. Their dislike for our shells was displayed by quick retaliation to our fire. Our observation today has been partly obscured by mist and haze, despite these difficulties the OPs noticed enemy mov 883276 and MGs firing from 887273 836311 836312 and 836313. Each bn has its OPs well fwd; their arcs of observation interlocking to cover the whole area immediately opposite their sectors.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.