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"There seems to never be an end to cool historic places to cover"

Walk with History’ is a popular YouTube channel run by married couple Jenn and Scott. Jenn is a historian and former Navy pilot with a Master’s Degree in American History and a certificate in Museum Studies, while Scott, a Navy officer, produces the videos and podcasts for ‘Walk with History’ and ‘Talk with History’. We’ve emailed them several questions about their social media activities and they were kind enough to answer them for us.

Jenn and Scott of Walk with History at the US Marine Corps War Memorial. Photo: Walk with History

What is your mutual connection with history? When and how did your interest in the past start? Does your time together in the Navy play a role in this?

Well…the mutual connection is the fact we are married. Jenn became interested in history early in her Navy career, having minored in History at Penn State for her undergrad then traveling the world with the US Navy she wanted to know more about the areas she found herself in with the military. Scott was NOT a history fan but loves doing vlog work and video editing. He had started a family YouTube channel a couple of years before starting the Walk with History channel and when Jenn suggested starting a history content YouTube channel he felt like this was a good combination of things we were passionate about. It has been a great collaboration of strengths and we laugh about it often because we joke that after 15 years of marriage we finally found something we like to do together.

Jenn and Scott, besides creators of Walk with History also a married couple. Photo: Walk with History
You upload videos on YouTube and run a podcast. How did this all get started? Do you focus on all history or on specific topics?

During the pandemic, Jenn took a break from social media, but started watching YouTube. She was looking up history related content and found that some topics did not have any content. So she approached Scott and asked, “What if we start a YouTube Channel?”. Walk with History on YouTube had started. Jenn had previously started a Walk with History Facebook page for friends and family while getting her graduated degree in History, so she could explain all the things she was learning around Memphis, where she was attending school. The podcast, Talk with History, was born from the YouTube channel as some videos just needed more explanation. The videos needed more behind-the-scenes coverage, so we felt the podcast was the best way to deliver that content, and it has been fun.

We focus on all history, there is no one area we cover. Jenn likes to say “Jack of all trades, Master of none.” She is interested in every historical period but tends to emphasize American History, although we have done trips to England, and France next month (June). The truth is you can’t know American History and not also know how the rest of the world is impacting America. The thing that makes Walk with History unique, is that we GO TO the location. We take the viewer there, so really that limits us to mostly American travel with Scott still being on active duty in the US Navy.

Recently the series Masters of the Air came out. As Americans who are serving or have served in the armed forces, what are your thoughts on the series?

We both watched it and loved Masters of the Air. We love any series that pays respect to the men and women of the armed service that came before us. Walk with History actually went to Arlington National Cemetery and made a video from Egans gravesite (as well as others from the series) and gave backgrounds of the real Masters of the Air that did those missions. We are proud to serve our country, service is in our blood, and anytime we can showcase the sacrifice that men and women have made for America, we consider it an honor.

Could you share a story about the Second World War that made a lasting impact on you? Is there a story that has really surprised or shocked you?

For Jenn, it is definitely her grandfather who drove a tank in Patton’s Third Army. He came to America from Italy in the late 1930s, then went back over in 1944 to fight for America and he was proud to do it. He was D-Day plus 4 and was involved in the Battle of Cologne and Battle of the Bulge. We keep his Army Cover on our shelf beside other family memories. Jenn is going back to the 80th Anniversary of D-Day to honor his memory. Also, for Jenn it will always be the pictures of the Jewish Holocaust that motivated her to join the military. She felt that if she can help to be a part of something that prevents evil like that from taking a hold of the world, she wanted to do her part.

Do you have a favorite historical figure from the Second World War and who is it and why?

For Jenn, it is definitely Eisenhower. She likes that he is small town boy, that grew to become one of the greatest leaders of the War. He wasn’t perfect but appreciated the simplicity of life from his farm outside of Gettysburg, to wanting to be referred to as General even after having been the President of the United States. He really inspires her. Walk with History visits that farm outside of Gettysburg as well.

Walk with History at Mount Rushmore. Photo: Walk with History
How do you find new subjects or historical locations and what are your main (inspiration) sources for your videos?

Well our main inspiration is what is close enough for a day road trip since we bring our three kids on most of our history adventures. Moving around America with the US Navy has afforded us access to new locations, and new places to explore. Then it really comes down to what we are interested in, what strikes our interest, what do we want to know more about? We make a list and keep adding to the list as people suggest locations, we hear a story, we read something etc. There seems to never be an end to cool historic places to cover.

From your personal experiences, do you think there’s a difference between how people think of the Second World War in Europe and in the USA? In the Netherlands, for example, we still honor the US veterans who died during their service in our country. Are Americans also still aware of the sacrifices made at that time?

I do think there is a difference mostly because the Second World War was not fought in America. I think Europe has the lasting memory of a war fought in their city, their country, on their land. There are still remnants of it even today in their everyday lives. Going to Normandy for the D-Day Anniversaries is just something you can’t do in America. So I think it is easier for Americans to not ‘remember’ or not be constantly reminded of the impact of the Second World War by living in the history of it.

What are your plans for the future regarding your YouTube-videos and podcasts?

Well of course, Jenn will be at the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, and we plan to make a couple of videos to cover that event. She was just featured as a PinUp for Vets selectee in their PinUp for Vets 2025 calendar, where she is dressed as a 1940s PinUp! Also, there will be more John Wayne material for the Podcast, we are not done paying tribute to the Duke. See

Used source(s)

  • Source: Walk with History /
  • Published on: 02-06-2024 16:20:21