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9 March 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
Major W.L. Brown HLI assumed appointment as SO2 CA (Exec).
31 March 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
Majors Brown, Puttock and Peltzer returned from course. Major Briscoe and Capt Collier were posted direct from the course to 21 Army Gp and Canadian Army.
7 June 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
Major W.L. Brown (SO2 Exec) handed over his duties as OC A Gp Corps.
9 July 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
SO2 E (Major W.L. Brown) left for ST AUBIN-SUR-MER to establish Corps Rest Camp. Camp an Army responsibility not Civil Affairs.
26 August 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
SO2 E (Maj Brown) visited 2 Army.
27 September 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
SO1A and SO2E (Major W.L. Brown) visited 203 Det at EINDHOVEN.
5 October 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
SO 2s E (Majors WL Brown - RC Peltzer) and NCAO visited 218 Det to discuss refugee situation and evacuation problem. Refugees scattered in four villages and outlying farms making collection difficult. Decided tpt for 6 Oct not reqd until 1400 hrs.
7 October 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
SO2 E (Major Brown) and S02 A (Major AG Puttock) visited 218 Det. 49 lorries for refugees had arrived and sit was well in hand.
22 October 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
SO2 E (Major Brown) visited DCP at OVERLOON. Evac going on satisfactorily. OC 224 Det gave figures for future evac as 450 mentals and 300 refugees for 23 Oct and 250 mentals and attendant for 24 Oct. On return to HQ SO2 E passed infm to SO 2 (A) (Major Puttock) who arranged tpt with Q 8 Corps.
29 October 1944 WO 171/304 - 8 Corps CA
SO2 E (Major Brown) and S03 E (Lt Williams) visited 224 Det at VENRAIJ to inform them that due to op sit CRTA (212 (R) Det) would move from DEURNE to VLIERDEN. Went on to DEURNE to tell 212 (R) Det to move. Found that they had already moved to BAKEL and that op sit would not allow them to move to VLIERDEN. Informed CA Corps by phone (message sent to 224 Det).