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Songgram, Harn

    Thai (1238-present, Kingdom)


    Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    November 7th, 1949
    "His Excellency General Harn Songgram virtually saved the lifes of four Netherlands subjects who as fugitive prisoners of war from a Japanese P.O.W.-camp in Indo China crossed the Thai border. They were granted refuge in the Thai garrisons of Khorat of which General Harn Songgram was the commanding officer.
    Knowing that they were escaped prisoners of war and realizing that extradition would spell an almost certain death, His Excellency at obvious risks to himself so well concealed their presence in his garrison that they remained undetected and returned home safely at the end of the war."

    Royal decree no. 17.
    Grootofficier in de Orde van Oranje Nassau met zwaarden (ON.2x)

