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Loie, David "M.S."

Date of birth:
January 1st, 1906 (Greymouth, New Zealand)
Date of death:
January 1st, 1943
Mentioned on:
Commonwealth Memorial of the Missing Sai Wan
New Zealander


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Assistant Superintendent
British Army Aid Group (BAAG), MI9, British Government
Awarded on:
March 13th, 1947
“Loie was employed in the Government Laboratories in Hongkong and during hostilities was a member of the Hongkong Police Reserve. After the surrender he was compelled to continue his work in the Government Laboratories, but at the same time, he organised a group of workers from amongst the Police reserve and immediately offered their services to the BAAG. Having access to all the work in his department, he was able to pass on most accurate and valuable information concerning the economic position of the Japanese in Hongkong. In 1943, his group was betrayed and he was arrested, tortured unmercifully and executed. While alive, his work was of the utmost value and the whole scheme was organised and planned by him, and his conduct in prison proved him to be a man of most outstanding courage and loyalty.”
(signed) L T Ride, Colonel. 1945.

Posthumously awarded
King's Police and Fire Services Medal

