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17 October 1944 WO 171/1397 - 2 East Yorkshire Regiment
Attack on VENRAIJ continued. C Coy adv on the left and A Coy on the right. D Coy followed behind C Coy and B Coy were held in res. By 1000 hrs report line B (776274) was reached, and report line C (through 778273) was gained by midday. Major Crauford, OC āCā Coy was badly wounded at this time, and Lt Oates took over the Coy. About 1400 hrs the MO, Lt Mackenzie, RAMC and the Med Sjt went fwd to recce a fwd RAP. They were not seen again and posted missing.
11 December 1944 WO 171/1397 - 2 East Yorkshire Regiment
C Coy - Lieut Oates ā M.C.