October 01st, 1828: Ecole Polytechnique
1830: awarded the Croix de Juillet
August 06th,1830: promoted to sous-lieutenant
August 1830-August 1832: École d'application de l'artillerie et du génie, Metz
August 1832: promoted to lieutenant en second
February 01st,1833: promoted to lieutenant en premier, 1er Régiment d’Artillerie
January 13th,1837: promoted to capitaine en second
July 1837: campaign in Algeria
October 1837: siege of Constantine, Algeria
May 14th, 1839: WIA AT Djidjelli
1839: expeditions in Médéa then Milianah, Algeria
February 18th, 1841: back to France, promoted to capitaine en premier,atatched to the 2e then 1er Régiment d’Artillerie
September 15th, 1846: promoted to chef d'escadron, 6e Régiment d’Artillerie
April 1848: commandant en second, Ecole Polytechnique
October 16th, 1850: promoted to lieutenant-colonel, 8e Régiment d’Artillerie
May 10th, 1852: promoted to colonel, commandant, 14e Régiment d'Artillerie
February 23rd, 1854: commandement, artillerie, armée d’Orient - campaign in Crimea
April 15th, 1854: chef d'état-major, commandement, artillerie, armée d’Orient
November 24th,1854: promoted to général de brigade
1854-1855: commandant, artillerie, 1er corps - siege of Sébastopol
January 1856: back to France
1856: awarded the Médaille de la campagne d'Orient
July 20th, 1856: commandant, artillerie de la garde impériale, inspection du train des équipages
July 28th, 1856: ambassade extraordinaire de Morny, Russia
December 31st,1857: promoted to général de division
April 1859: commandant en chef de l’artillerie, Grand Quartier Général de l’armée - campaign in Italy
June 04th, 1859: Battle of Magenta
June 24th,1859: Battle of Solférino
1860: awarded the Médaille de la campagne d'Italie
1860: aide de camp, Napoléon III
1864: Président du comité de l’Artillerie
January 1869: commandant, VIe corps, Toulouse
1869: ministre de la Guerre
March 24th,1870: Maréchal de France, sénateur
June 19th,1870: major général, armée du Rhin
August 12th, 1870: dismissed
August 13th, 1870: commandant, IIIe corps d'armée -Battle of Metz
August 16th,1870: Battle of Rezonville
August 18th,1870: Battle of Saint Privat
August 31st,1870: Battle of Noisseville
October 29th, 1870: captured in Metz and Prussian POW in Wilhelmshöhe then Bonn
January 28th, 1871: released
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