Général d'Armée Eugène Désiré Antoine Mittelhausser
September 1892-September 1894: Ecole Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr
02nd October, 1894: promoted to Sous-lieutenant
October 1894: 4e Régiment de Tirailleurs Algériens, Tunisia, Northern Africa
01st October 1896: promoted to Lieutenant
October 1899-November 1901: Ecole supérieure de Guerre, Paris
1902: served in Algeria
08th July 1904: promoted to Capitaine
October 1907: 2e Régiment de Tirailleurs Algériens
1909: campaign in Morrocco
1910: French mission in Mexico - Mexican Revolution
28th March, 1913: promoted to Major
August 1914: commandant, 7e Bataillon, 3e Régiment de Tirailleurs Algériens
30th May, 1915: promoted to Lieutenant-colonel
1915: commandant, 60e Régiment d'Infanterie
September 1915: severely WIA in Champagne
24th May, 1917: promoted to Colonel, commandant, 1re Brigade d'Infanterie Marocaine - Battle of Verdun
26th April, 1918: temporary promoted to Général de brigade
April 1918: commandant, 36e Division d'Infanterie
November 1918, commandant, 20e Brigade d'Infanterie
1919: chef d'état-major, général Pellé, chef, French mission in Czechoslovakia
09th November, 1920: promoted to Général de Brigade
1st January, 1921: chef, French mission in Czechoslovakia and chief of staff, Czechoslovak Army
10th, January 1921: temporary promoted to Général de division
1925: commandant, 1re Division d'Infanterie
04th February, 1926: promoted to Général de division
1928: commandant, 29e Division d'Infanterie
06th March, 1928: promoted to Général de corps d'armée
17th September, 1931: promoted to Général d'Armée, member, Haut conseil de guerre
1932-1938: commandant, Armée des Alpes, 14e and 15e Régions Militaires - Jura to Corsica
June 1938: initiator, program to fortificate the South-Eastern part of France named "programme d'Avenir"
1938: retired
September 1939: recalled in Poland as chef, French military mission militaire
November 1939-January 1940: Grand Quartier Général - Inspection of the front in the Alps region
April 1940: sent to London then Stockholm to assist Ambassador Coulondre, chef de cabinet of ex président du conseil Daladier to convince the neutral Sweden to rally after the German invasion of Norway
May 1940: sent to the Hague to coordinate with Dutch Headquarters of general de Lange Voorhout
24th May, 1940: commandant, T.O.M.O, théâtre d'opération de la Méditerranée orientale - French forces in the Balkans, in Lebanon, Cyprus, Suez and Syria
21st June, 1940: refused to capitulate
July 1940: forced to captulate by général Weygand
16th July 1940: replaced by général Massiet and sent back to France - retired
Buried in Lauterbourg, Alsace
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