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Meuldijk, Maarten

Date of birth:
August 29th, 1894 (Geervliet/Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands)
Date of death:
May 20th, 1972 (Utrecht/Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Service number:
11058 (NSB)


Maarten Meuldijk was born in Geervliet in 1894. Originally a painter from Utrecht and SDAP municipal councillor who became a member of the NSB. Before and during the Second World War, he worked as an NSB propagandist and provided illustrations for the NSB magazine "Volk en Vaderland", of which he was editor-in-chief for some time. Meuldijk was also Authorised Representative [of the Leader] for the Dutch Labour Service (NAD), but was so obstructed by the Germans that his role was nil.

Meuldijk was tried in 1948 and a sentence of 12 years with revocation of pre-trial detention was demanded against him, plus deprivation of his right to vote. In October 1948, the Special Court of Utrecht sentenced Meuldijk to 8 years in prison, while the Press Purification Commission imposed a 20-year professional ban on him.

In 1970, Meuldijk was involved in a legal battle with the Arbeiderspres, who used his drawings for the publication "Hou zee kameraad". The court ruled in Meuldijk's favour and the Arbeiderspres was fined.

Meuldijk died in 1972 in Utrecht.

-1927: SDAP municipal councillor
1933-1945: Illustrator "Volk en Vaderland".
1937: Editor-in-chief "Arbeidsfront"
1939-1941: Editor-in-chief "Volk en Vaderland".
1941-1945: Head of the Bureau Arbeiddienst
Propaganda speaker for the radio of the Nederlandsche Omroep

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  • Photo 1: Fotodienst der NSB (Public Domain)
  • - De SS en Nederland, documenten uit SS-archieven 1935-1945, ingeleid en uitgegeven door N.K.C.A. in 't Veld. Staatsuitgeverij, 's-Gravenhage, 1976
    - Nieuw Utrechtsch dagblad, 22-10-1948
    - CABR
    - Delpher