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Nieuwdorp, Hendrik Willem

Date of birth:
November 5th, 1914 (Surakarta/Java, Dutch East Indies)
Date of death:
(Lubuk Keliat/Sumatra, Dutch East Indies)


Pilot Royal Dutch East Indies Aviation Company.

Nieuwdorp left Broome (NW Australia) for Bandung on February 26, 1942 as co-pilot of DC-3 PK-AFZ. In addition to the PK-AFZ, two other DC-3s took off, the planes were loaded with weapons and medicine. One of the three reached Bandung, a second arrived in Batavia in the nick of time with almost dry tanks; however, the PK-AFZ went missing. An investigation conducted in 1988 revealed that the aircraft was lost on February 27, 1942 south of Tanjung Batu (Sumatra).

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