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Preußen, von, Friedrich Wilhelm IV

Date of birth:
October 15th, 1795 (Berlin, Prussia)
Date of death:
January 2nd, 1861 (Potsdam, Prussia)
Buried on:
Friedenskirche Potsdam


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Awarded on:
September 15th, 1801
Orden Svyatogo apostola Andreya Pervozvannogo
Awarded on:
October 15th, 1805
Ritter Schwarzer Adlerorden
Awarded on:
August 29th, 1811
Awarded on:
February 5th, 1824
Order of the Holy Spirit - Knight
Awarded on:
February 5th, 1824
Awarded on:
Awarded on:
February 10th, 1818
Insigne Orden del Toisón de Oro - Knight
Awarded on:
Großkreuz der Orden der Württembergischen Krone
Awarded on:
Awarded on:
February 5th, 1824
Order of the Holy Spirit - Knight
Awarded on:
Königlische Guelphen-Orden - Grand Cross
Awarded on:
February 16th, 1829
Großkreuz zum Hausorden vom Weißen Falken
Awarded on:
Order Orla Bialego
Awarded on:
April 11th, 1830
Großkreuz (I. Klasse) zum Großherzoglich Hessischer Ludwigsorden
Awarded on:
Großkreuz der Hausorden der Treue
Awarded on:
Großkreuz zu dem Orden der Löwen von Zähringen
Awarded on:
Sankt-Stephans-Orden - Grand Cross
Awarded on:
May 18th, 1838
Hausorden Albrechts des Bären - I Class
Awarded on:
October 1838
Großkreuz des Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden
Awarded on:
Hausorden der Rautenkrone
Awarded on:
January 19th, 1840
Awarded on:
September 5th, 1841
Hausorden vom Goldenen Löwen - Grand Cross
Awarded on:
January 25th, 1842

Stranger Knight
Order of the Garter
Awarded on:
February 9th, 1842
Grootkruis der Militaire Willems Orde (MWO.1)
Awarded on:
October 9th, 1847
Ordine Supremo della Santissima Annunziata
Awarded on:
October 8th, 1848
Großkreuz mit der Krone der Haus und Verdienstorden von Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig
Awarded on:
January 18th, 1850
Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde / Grand cordon de l'Ordre de Léopold
Awarded on:
May 1858
Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau
Awarded on:
November 1856
Grand Croix de l' Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur
Awarded on:
Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio - Grand Cross with Collar
Orden Heinrichs des Löwen - Großkreuz
Ehrenkreuz I. Klasse des Königlicher Preussischer Hausordens von Hohenzollern
Dienstauszeichnung für Offiziere


  • - Rijpkema, R., 1815-2015 Militaire Willems-Orde
