Jonkheer Fredrik Willem Alexander van Asbeck was born on August 4th, 1860 as son to Gerrit Ferdinand van Asbeck and Carolina van Asbeck-van Hogendorp.
August 31st, 1877: Cadet;
July 14th, 1879: Korporaal;
July 8th, 1880: 2e Luitenant;
July 19th, 1883: 1e Luitenant;
August 28th, 1895: Kapitein.
October 1st, 1877: Militaire Academie;
July 8th, 1880: IIe Afdeling Vestingartillerie;
April 1st, 1881: 2e Regiment Vestingartillerie;
September 1st, 1881: Ie Afdeling der Krijgsschool;
June 25th, 1882: 2e Regiment Vestingartillerie;
July 19th, 1883: 2e Regiment Veldartillerie;
December 4th, 1894: 3e Regiment Veldartillerie;
August 28th, 1895: 3e Regiment Vestingartillerie;
March 10th, 1896: Generale Staf.
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