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Chardin, Mathilde Marie Edmonde Julienne

Date of birth:
August 14th, 1913 (Lille/Hauts-de-France, France)
Date of death:
November 25th, 1993 (Fréjus/Var, France)


Member of the Sylvestre-Farmer Circuit where Michel Trotobas aka Capitaine Michel was the leader.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Mademoiselle Mathilde Chardin worked in French Resistance from the earliest days of German occupation.
She acted as secretary to the chief of an important sabotage group and was closely connected with all their exploits.
She was of great assistance in the Transport and concealment of arms and helped the Allied Cause in every possible way.
Mademoiselle Mathilde Chardin displayed great courage all the time."
King's Medal for courage in the cause of Freedom
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
July 13th, 1947
Citation proposal
Aimed with the most ardent patriotism, demonstrated in the ranks of the Resistance, her high conception of her duties as a Frenchwoman.
Responsible for extremely dangerous important regional connections, always showed great bravery. Was magnificent in her self-denial.
She worked tirelessly, with tenacity, and a great spirit of sacrifice, for the Liberation of her Homeland.
Hunted by the Gestapo, she had to change her region of activity several times, but never despaired of the Victory of our Arms.
Magnificent example of a French woman. Deserves all praise.

Proposed for the Medal of the Resistance 1st Class

Proposition de citation
A nimée du patriotisme le plus ardent, a fait preuvé dans les rangs de la Résistance, de sa haute conception de ses dévoirs de Française.
Chargée de liaisons régionales importantes extrêmement dangereuses, y montra toujours une grande bravoure. A été magnifique d'abnégation.
Elle travailla, sans relâche, avec ténacité, et un grand esprit de sacrifice, à la Libération de sa Patrie.
Traquée par la Gestapo, elle dut changer plusieurs fois sa région d'activité, mais ne désespéra jamais de la Victoir de nos Armes.
Maqnifique example de femme française. Mérite tous les éloges.

Proposee pour la Medaille de La Résistance 1e Classe
Médaille de la Résistance Française

