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Ambach, Charlotte

Date of birth:
July 4th, 1922 (Hilversum, The Netherlands)
Date of death:
April 9th, 2003


Charlotte Ambach was a German resistance fighter who lived in Brussels. There she helped downed allied pilots escape.
On November 15, she and her mother - who was also in the resistance - were arrested at Brussels-North station and sentenced to death. They were transported to Germany and stayed in various prisons until they were liberated from the prison in Waldheim by the Russians on May 6, 1945.
After the war she took Belgian nationality. In the 1980s she emigrated to the US

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
November 29th, 1955
"Placed herself, without hesitation, at the disposal of an Intelligence and Action Service and carried out to the complete satisfaction of her superiors all the missions entrusted to her, however perilous they were.
Arrested and deported to Germany, she courageously endured all the suffering inflicted on her.
It is time for you to receive your address with congratulations for your nomination."
Ridder in de Orde van Leopold II
Second World War (1939-1945)
"In July 1943 Mademoiselle Ambach became a member of a well known Belgian Evasion Line, her task being to receive the evaders as they were brought to Brussels, to give them confidence in their surroundings, and to escort them to the houses provided for them.
Mademoiselle Ambach, with her pleasant personality, he quick reactions and her common sense was ideally suited for the work of this type, and during the next five months convoyed twenty seven Allied Service personnel through the German occupied capital of Belgium.
Many times her convoying of evaders was done, not with the object of moving them along their road to freedom but simply because the evaders themselves demanded exercise during their enforced inactivity. She herself sheltered some half dozen evaders in her house for varying periods of time.
In November 1943 Mademoiselle Ambach was captured by the Gestapo while awaiting the arrival of an evader at Brussels North Station. She was deported to Germany in 1944, having been condemned to death for her Evasion and espionage activities. She was liberated by the Allied advance and returned to Belgium in May 1945.
Mademoiselle Ambach was a reliabel and valuable helper. Her work in the Allied Cause merits a high degreee of gratitude and commendation."

Medal presented Friday 6th January 1950 at the Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels.
King's Medal for courage in the cause of Freedom
Second World War (1939-1945)
"Charlotte Ambach, German National, exhibited sacrifice in the cause of freedom while contributing directly to the successful evacuation of twenty-seven Allied eviators whose planes had been shot down over Belgium, from July to November 1943. Acting always with devotion to the Allied cause, she demonstrated great resourcefulness and efficiency in the performance of arduous tasks. Her contributions were of considerable aid in the prosecution of the war, and her achievements merit the esteem and gratitude of the United Nations."
Medal of Freedom with Bronze Palm

