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Benker, Hans (U-625)

Date of birth:
February 21st, 1917 (Bochum)
Date of death:
January 2nd, 1944 (North Atlantic)
Buried on:
German Submarines Memorial
Grave: UNK.


Crew 36
03.04.1936: Offiziersanwärter
10.09.1936: Seekadett
01.05.1937: Fähnrich zur See
01.07.1938: Oberfähnrich zur See
01.10.1938: Leutnant zur See
01.10.1940: Oberleutnant zur See
01.02.1943: Kapitänleutnant

03.03.1940-09.04.1940: Kompanieoffizier in der U-Schule, Neustadt
10.04.1940-18.06.1940: Zugoffizier für die seemännischen Grundausbildung, 1. U-Lehrdivision, Pillau
19.06.1940-11.11.1940: I. Wachoffizier, U 56
25.11.1940-18.12.1940: Baubelehrung, U 75, U-Boote Nordsee, Bremen
19.12.1940-15.05.1941: II. Wachoffizier, U 75
16.05.1941-08.06.1941: 7. U-Flottille, St. Nazaire
09.06.1941-02.07.1941: Kommandanten-Lehrgang, Kommandanten-Schießlehrgang, 24. U-Flottille, Memel
03.07.1941-21.07.1941: 24. U-Flottille, Danzig
22.07.1941-30.09.1941: Kommandant, U 152
06.10.1941-04.05.1942: Kdt, U-80: no war patrols
15.05.1942-03.06.1942: Baubelehrung, U 625, 8. Kriegsschiffbaulehrabteilung, Hamburg
04.06.1942-02.01.1944: Kdt, U-625: 9 patrols (224 days)
02.01.1944: KIA when U-625 was attacked by two British B-24 Liberators from Sqdn 224 - managed to drive the first aircraft off but ordered dive when the second bomber threatened the boat. During the dive the Naxos wire running into the tower prevented a safe seal Benker thought and cancelled the dive and went up with another man to clear the wire and secure the boat. Sadly the order to cancel the dive was not recognised and the boat continued the dive causing Benker and the other man to drown.

3 ships sunk, total tonnage 18,751 GRT
2 auxiliary warships sunk, total tonnage 1,129 GRT

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
April 3rd, 1940
Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 4.Klasse, 4 Jahre
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
May 13th, 1941
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
August 21st, 1940
other sources give 30.11.1942
U-boot Kriegsabzeichen (ohne Brillianten)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
May 16th, 1941
other sources give 30.11.1942
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Käpitanleutnant (Lieutenant)
Kommandant, U-Boot, "U 625", 13. Unterseebootsflottille
Awarded on:
December 31st, 1943
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

