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Blanc, von, Adalbert

    Date of birth:
    July 11th, 1907 (Wilhelmshaven/Hannover, Germany)
    Date of death:
    November 7th, 1976 (Flensburg-Mürwick/Schleswick-Holstein, Germany)
    Buried on:
    Nordfriedhof Kiel
    Plot: O. 


    Adalbert von Blanc was born July 11th, 1907 in Wilhelmshafen, Germany and joined the Reichsmarine in 1926 as Seekadett. At the outbreak of the war, he served aboard the auxiliary cruiser Orion. Later on he served in minelayers (Minenflotillen) and in the Security Service (Sicherungsdienst).
    After the war, Von Blanc again served in a flotilla of minesweepers and after this was disbanded, he was posted to the Maritime Customer Service (Seegrenzschutz). Following the establishment of the Bundeswehr, Von Blanc was drafted into the Bundesmarine, ultimately reaching the post of Commander Central Navycommand (Kommandeur Zentrales Marinekommando) in the rank of Flottenadmiral.
    Adalbert von Blanc passed away November 7th, 1976 in Flensburg-Mürwik.
    In 1964 Adalbert von Blanc received the "Großes Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Grand Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany).

    April 1st, 1926: Matrose;
    October 12th, 1926: Seekadett;
    April 1st, 1927: Gefreiter;
    April 1st, 1928: Fähnrich zur See;
    July 1st, 1928: Obermaat;
    June 1st, 1930: Oberfähnrich zur See;
    October 1st, 1930: Leutnant zur See;
    April 1st, 1933: Oberleutnant zur See;
    April 1st, 1936: Kapitänleutnant;
    April 1st, 1941: Korvettenkapitän;
    April 1st, 1944: Fregattenkapitän;
    July 1st, 1951: Stabskapitän (Bundesgrenzschutz);
    June 24th, 1954: Oberstabskapitän (Bundesgrenzschutz);
    July 1st, 1956: Kapitän zur See (Bundesmarine);
    September 8th, 1961: Flottenadmiral (Bundesmarine).

    April 1st, 1926: Reichsmarine;
    1936: Kommandant "M 110";
    August 1939: I. Offizier, Handelsstörkreuzer/Hilfskreuzer "Orion";
    October 1st, 1941: zur Verfugung, Kommandierender Admiral, Marinestation der Ostsee;
    December 7th, 1941: 1. Admiralstabsoffizier / 2. Sicherungsdivision;
    March 2nd, - March 5th, 1943: Sperr-Asto/ Sperrschule;
    September 8th, 1943: Chef 2. Minensuchflottille
    November 30th - December 3rd, 1943: Kommandeurs-Tagung OKM;
    March 30th, 1944: Führer, 2. Sicherungsdivision;
    October 10th, 1944 – May 8th, 1945: Chef 9. Sicherungsdivision;
    May 8th – August 15th, 1945: British POW;
    August 15th, 1945 - December 31st, 1947: Chef, 1.Minenräumdivision;
    January 1st, 1948 - June 30th, 1951: Chef Deutscher Minenräum-Verband Cuxhaven;
    July 1st, 1951: Seegrenzschutz Neustadt/Holstein;
    July 1st, 1956: Chef des Stabes mWdGb Kommandeur, Kommando der Marine-Ausbildung Kiel, Bundesmarine;
    October 1st, 1958: Kommandeur Minensuchboote, Cuxhaven;
    August 1st, 1961: Kommandeur Marine-Ausbildung Kiel;
    February 1st, 1962: Kommandeur Zentrales Marinekommande Wilhelmshaven;
    September 30th, 1964: Retirement.

    Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Käpitanleutnant (Lieutenant)
    Awarded on:
    October 2nd, 1936
    Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 4.Klasse, 4 Jahre
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Käpitanleutnant (Lieutenant)
    Awarded on:
    April 1st, 1938
    Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht  3.Klasse, 12 Jahre
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Käpitanleutnant (Lieutenant)
    I. Offizier, Handelsstörkreuzer 1 "Orion" (Schiff 36/HSK 1), Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    December 20th, 1939
    Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Käpitanleutnant (Lieutenant)
    Hilfskreuzer 1 "Orion" (Schiff 36/HSK 1), Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    September 15th, 1940
    Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Käpitanleutnant (Lieutenant)
    Hilfskreuzer 1 "Orion" (Schiff 36/HSK 1), Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    October 17th, 1940
    Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Korvettenkapitän (Lieutenant Commander)
    Hilfskreuzer 1 "Orion" (Schiff 36/HSK 1), Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    August 23rd, 1941
    Kriegsabzeichen für Hilfskreuzer (ohne Brillianten)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Korvettenkapitän (Lieutenant Commander)
    1. Admiralstabsoffizier (1. Asto), 2. Sicherungsdivision, Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    September 11th, 1942
    Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Korvettenkapitän (Lieutenant Commander)
    1. Admiralstabsoffizier (1. Asto), 2. Sicherungsdivision, Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    March 25th, 1943
    Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch-, U-Boots-, Jagd- und Sicherungsverbände
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Fregattenkapitän (Commander)
    Chef, 9. Sicherungsdivision, Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    November 25th, 1944
    "In the seven week long battle for the island Oesel and the last fight on Sworbe, security detachments of the Navy under the command of Fregattenkapitän Brauneis and Korvettenkapitän Kiefer distinguished themselves by successfully defending the coast against superior Soviet naval forces. Special recognition here deserves the maritime achievements of our combat crews of our combat ferries and minesweepers under the leadership of the chief of the 9. Sicherungsdivision, Fregattenkapitän von Blanc."
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Fregattenkapitän (Commander)
    Chef, 9. Sicherungsdivision, Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    November 27th, 1944
    Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
    The following press excerpt describes why Blanc was awarded the Knight’s Cross…

    “He has been especially recognized for the leadership of his units during the fighting for the Baltic Islands, particularly Sworbe. Here the brunt of the naval battle had to be borne by the security formations in uninterrupted operations. His personal readiness for duty cannot be overstated. He personally got onto Sworbe several times and also personally directed the embarkment of the last troops from the deck of a ship in the ocean. He bears the trust of his subordinated units, and has a particularly close relationship with them. He has particularly distinguished himself through good tactical acumen in conjunction with a wealth of combat experience he has gathered on the front. He was awarded the Knight’s Cross for his actions here as well as his earlier achievements in the prosecution of the war.”

    280th Kriegsmarine award.
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Fregattenkapitän (Commander)
    Chef, 9. Sicherungsdivision, Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    May 6th, 1945
    Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub
    Awarded for the his efforts in the naval evacuation of soldiers and civilians in the last months of the war. Admiral Thiele wrote the following excerpt which among other things describes why he was awarded the Oakleaves…

    “He and his subordinate units did an exemplary job of fulfilling my extremely high demands and requirements, which were unavoidable due to the overall military situation. Here his talent for practical solutions and his long record of successful activity in the eastern naval theatre proved to be invaluable. Blanc’s factually critical assessment of events shortly before the collapse in this area resulted in the successful evacuation of 50000 soldiers and refugees from the Danzig Bay to the west on the last day.”

    The formal awarding of the Eichenlaub von Blanc is uncertain. The numbering of official awardings had stopped at 843. According to the known data, this should have been the 866th award.
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Fregattenkapitän (Commander)
    Chef, 9. Sicherungsdivision, Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    Marine Frontspange
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Fregattenkapitän (Commander)
    Chef, 9. Sicherungsdivision, Kriegsmarine
    Awarded on:
    Ärmelband Kurland

