Schroedter, Erich (Großdeutschland)
- Date of birth:
- May 1st, 1919 (Munich/Bavaria, Germany)
- Date of death:
- December 7th, 1994 (Lörrach/Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
- Nationality:
- German
01.10.1937: Fähnrich, Kradschützen Bataillon 3, 3. Panzer-Division, Bad Freienwalde
00.00.1938-00.00.1939: Kriegsschule in Hannover
01.08.1939: promoted to Leutnant, II. Abteilung, Kavallerie-Schützen-Regiment 9
00.11.1939: Leutnant, Ordonnanz-Offizier, Kradschützen Bataillon, 8. Schnelle Division
Campaign in Poland and France
00.07.1940: Leutnant, Ordonnanz-Offizier, 8. Schnelle-Division
Campaign in the Balkans
00.04.1941: Bataillonsadjutant, Kradschützen Bataillon, 8. Panzer-Division
00.06.1941: Barbarossa
00.08.1941: severely WIA
00.09.1941: severely WIA and sent to Lazarett
00.10.1941: promoted to Oberleutnant
01.05.1942: Aufsichts- und Ordonnanz-Offizier, Panzertruppenschule Krampnitz
00.05.1942: Oberleutnant, Chef, 4. Kompanie, Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung "Großdeutschland", Panzergrenadier-Division „Großdeutschland"
01.03.1943: Ordonnanz-Offizier, Generalstab, 4. Panzerarmee
01.05.1943: promoted to Rittmeister
01.02.1944: Rittmeister, Schwadronschef, Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung "Großdeutschland"
00.08.1944: Rittmeister, attended the Abteilungsführerlehrgang für Panzeraufklärer
22.09.1944: Rittmeister, Kdr, Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 'Großdeutschland', led the German counter-attack region Memel during the Soviet Offensive in Courland
30.01.1945: promoted to Major
15.02.1945: fightings around Königsberg, destroying ten Soviet tanks
18.02.1945: severely WIA
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- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Rittmeister
- Unit:
- Kommandeur, Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung "Großdeutschland", Panzergrenadier-Division „Großdeutschland“, Heer
- Awarded on:
- October 23rd, 1944
On the 05.10.1944 the Soviets launched a major onslaught on the positions of the 551. Volksgrenadier-Division, and were able to breach their lines on a wide front. In response to the attack the Germans deployed the Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung “Großdeutschland” north through Svendriai to Pazizme with the aim of guarding the small German bridgehead over the Zizme (near Tulkinciai) and the forest narrows behind it. To the north the Soviets had already entered the forest west of Pakepsteniat. Schroedter, the commander of the Abteilung, decided to launch a counterattack into the attacking Soviet force (roughly the size of a regiment) and was able to smash it, inflicting about 80 enemy dead and capturing 120 prisoners.
Despite the lack of heavy weapons, the Abteilung continued its push. Although the Soviets had moved up tanks and anti-tank guns by this point, Schroedter’s men were nonetheless able to restore the old main battle line and free a trapped Kampfgruppe of Volksgrenadiers led by Hauptmann Licht. They were able to hold the newly won line until about 03:00 the next day, until the threat of encirclement forced them to retreat.
In light of the Abteilung’s success during this battle, Schroedter would later receive the Knight’s Cross.
Starting in mid-February 1945 the reinforced Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung “Großdeutschland” had the mission of holding a vital road bridge (namely the Passargebrücke, located south of Braunsberg along the Elbing—Königsberg Autobahn) against the attacking Soviets who were moving in from the west. They were able to hold a bridgehead across the bridge for three days of bitter combat against a reinforced Soviet tank brigade and rifle division, and were able to inflict heavy losses in doing so. One Sturmgeschütz attached to the Kampfgruppe managed to destroy 10 enemy tanks on its own. On the third day Schroedter was wounded and had to be evacuated to hospital. Nevertheless, in lieu of his men’s success in holding a key position for so long, Schroedter would be recognized with the award of the Oakleaves to his Knight’s Cross.
808th Award.
- Photo 1: Known to STIWOT
- - FELLGIEBEL, W.P., Elite of theThird Reich, Helion & Company Limited, Solihull, 2003.
- PATZWALL, K. & SCHERZER, V., Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941-1945, Band II, Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, Norderstedt, 2001.
- TEGETHOFF, RALPH, Die Ritterkreuzträger des Panzerkorps Großdeutschland und seiner Schwesterverbände, DS- Vlg. o.J., Riesa, 1998.
- THOMAS, FRANZ & WEGMANN, GüNTER, Die Eichenlaubträger 1940-1945, Biblio-Verlag, 1998.