Hans-Günther Stotten was born on 7th October 1916. From 1921 and onwards he visited the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gymnasium at Hannover, followed by the Realgymnasium and he received a training for horseriding. In Otober 1934 he was placed with the 3. / 12. (Sächsischer) Reiter-Regiment at Grossenhain. From 1937 he attended the Kriegsschule at Hannover and was stationed on 1st January 1938 with thePanzerregiment 3 as a Leutnant. On 4th July 1940 followed his promotion to Oberleutnant. After operations in the Balkan and at the Eastfront he was severely wounded before Moscow. On 1st April 1942 he was placed as a liaissons officer to a Finnish General. On 1st September 1942 hh became Kompaniechef and Abteilungskommandant with the Panzer-Regiment 8 in North Africa. He he was wounded several times and became Führer of the Panzer-Regiment 8. On 1st Juni 1943 he was promoted to Major and attended the Generalstabsausbildung. In January 1944 he commanded a Jäger-Division naer Janina and was afterwards send to the Kriegsakademie in Hirschberg. In August 1944 he was placed with the Generalstab (Ic van de Heeresgruppe Süd). During an attempt to escape Soviet imprisnoment, Hans-Günther Stotten was shot.
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