Wöhler received the Oakleaves for the leadership of his 8. Armee and subordinated Axis armies during 1944. Specifically for the following actions...
1. Defeating the Soviet attempts in the spring of 1944 to break into Romania. The Wehrmachtbericht of the 18.05.1944 reported this battle as follows...
"The defensive battle between Prut and Moldavia that started on the 26.04.1944 has reached its conclusion. The attempted breakthrough by the Bolsheviks with 20 rifle and several tank divisions failed because of the tenacious and dogged defense of the German and Rumanian troops under the command of General von Wöhler, who were excellently supported by the German and Romanian Air Forces in a show of exemplary comradeship. The enemy suffered heavy personnel losses as well as material losses of 386 tanks, 92 guns and 100 aircraft. "
2. His troops' role in blunting the Soviet drive into Hungary at Debrecen in October 1944, as detailed by the Wehrmachtbericht of 30.10.1944...
"In the area of Debrecen German and Hungarian troops have been under the command of the General of the Infantry Wöhler... In three weeks of fighting, strong enemy forces were defeated and thus prevented from achieving their envisaged encirclement of the German and Hungarian formations in southeastern Hungary... 793 enemy tanks and assault guns were destroyed or captured as well as 1010 guns of all kinds, nearly 2000 vehicles and large quantities of other weapons and equipment."
671st Award