W.B.K. Aachen
00.00.1942: assigned to the Lufttransportführer
01.12.1942: Feldwebel, RDA as Leutnant (Fl.)
22.03.1943: transferred to KGr.z.b.V. 172
28.04.1943: Lt., 4./ KGr.z.b.V. 500 awarded the DKiG
29.04.1943: transferred to IV./ KG 40
17.05.1943: 12./ KG 40
19.07.1943: assigned to temporary duty as Hilfs-Offz. for Ia of Fl.Fü. Atlantik
20.03.1944: ordered to temporary duty as Sacharbeiter for Ia op, Gen.-Kdo. d. X. Fl.-Korps
22.09.1944: Sacharbeiter, Ia op1, Stab, Lg. Kdo. V.
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