00.10.1935: dental school both prior to and after entering military service
01.11.1935:military service and assigned to Fliegerausbildungsstelle Detmold
04.04.1936: training at Fliegerausbildungsstelle Schönwalde as Hilfsbeobachter
01.10.1936: promoted to Gefreiter (d.R.) (Heer)
18.07.1938: peacetime manoeuvers in 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 14
26.08.1939: mobilized, i.e., called to active service with 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 12
04.07.1940: promoted to Kriegsoffizieranwärterde.Lw.
02.09.1940: completed 40 operational sorties (Feindflug)
21.12.1940: proposed for commissioning as a Lt. (Kr.O.) by 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 12
22.08.1941: Lt. in 1.(H)/ Aufkl.Gr. 12, WIA - Fw 189A-1 damaged by fighters
01.05.1943: transferred to Stab/NAGr. 15 and employed as a command post(Befehlsstelle)/operations center (Gefechtsstand or Einsatzstelle) officer
00.05.1943: recommended for pilot training for single-seat reconnaissance aircraft
01.09.1943: in Stab/NAGr. 15, promoted to Oberleutnant (Kr.O./Fl.) with effect from 01.07.43
22.10.1943: had completed 253 operational sorties (Feindflug) by this date, wounded twice, was a convinced National Socialist and held honorary rank in the SS
01.09.1944: Oblt. (Kr.O.),training as a pilot at FFS A 4 Neudorf b. Oppeln O./S.
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