Veitenhansl, Franz (Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 16)
- Date of birth:
- September 24th, 1917 (Plou, France)
- Date of death:
- July 17th, 1944 (Šeteniai, Sitinoi, Lithuania)
- Buried on:
- German War Cemetery Kauen / Kaunas
Grave: UNK.
- Nationality:
- German
01.03.1943: promoted to Leutnant, I./ Jg.Rgt. 'HG' - RDA 01.09.1940
01.10.1943: in I./ Jäger-Rgt. 'Hermann Göring', promoted to Oberleutnant
17.07.1944: Oblt., 4./ Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 16, KIA near Šeteniai, Lithuania - 60 km North of Kaunas- buried in Kaunas, Lithuania
12.10.1944: Oblt., 4./ Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 16 awarded the DKiG
Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!
- - PATZWALL, K. & SCHERZER, V., Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941-1945, Band I, Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, Norderstedt, 2007.
- Ritterkreuz Archiv II/2010, Veit Scherzer, Ranis, Juni 2010, ISSN 1866-4709