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Adolph, Walter

Date of birth:
June 11th, 1913 (Fontanelle/Fântânele, Hemeiuș, Bacau, Romania)
Date of death:
September 18th, 1941 (Blankenbergen, Belgium)
Buried on:
German War Cemetery Lommel
Plot: 38. Grave: 459.


Walter Adolph flew a total of 79 sorties during WWII. In this time he reached a total of 28 confirmed aerial victories. He also shot down 1 aircraft during the Spanish Civil War.

10.1937-04.1938: served in 1. J/ 88 - Legion Condor in Spain
30.12.1937: 1st victory as Leutnant with 1. J/ 88
01.01.1939: appointed Staka 2./ JG 130
01.05.1939-05.07.1940: appointed Staka 2./ JG 1
01.10.1939: 2nd victory as Oberleutnant, 2./ JG 1
12.05.1940: 3rd victory as Oberleutnant, 2./ JG 1
06.06.1940: 4th victory as Oberleutnant, 2./ JG 1
05.07.-30.09.1940: Oberleutnant, appointed Staka 8./ JG 27
03.10.1940-18.09.1941: Hauptmann, appointed Kdr. II./ JG 26 'Schlageter'
17.06.1941: 1 vcitory as Hauptmann, Stab II./ JG 26
22.06.1941: 1 victory as Hauptmann, Stab II./ JG 26
23.07.1941: 1 victory as Hauptmann, Stab II./ JG 26
16.08.1941: 1 victory as Hauptmann, Stab II./ JG 26
18.09.1941: Hauptmann, Stab II./ JG 26 KIA when Fw 190 A-1 Werknummer 10028 coded "Black << +" failed to return from combat over the English Channel off Ostende - shot down by a 41th Sqdn. Spitfire and crashed 30 km NW of Ostende; his remains washed up on the Belgian coast 4 weeks later
18.09.1941: some sources stated he was posthumously awarded Ritterkreuz as Hauptmann ans Kdr.II./ JG 26 but some pictures showed him wearing his RK

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Spanienkreuz, Gold mit Schwertern
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
October 26th, 1940
Luftwaffe Ehrenpokale für besondere Leistungen im Luftkrieg
Second World War (1939-1945)
Hauptmann (Flight Lieutenant)
Kommandeur, II. Gruppe, Jagdgeschwader 26 "Schlageter", Luftwaffe
Awarded on:
November 13th, 1940
Awarded after 15 aerial victories.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

