Afheldt, Eckard
- Date of birth:
- August 15th, 1921 (Neustettin/Pommerania, Germany)
- Date of death:
- December 3rd, 1999 (Buchen/Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
- Nationality:
- German
00.09.1939: Fahnenjunker, Infanterieregiment 21
00.12.1941: promoted to Leutnant
00.00.1941-00.05.1945: Gruppenführer then Zugführer then Kompaniechef then Bataillonsführer, II. Bataillon, Jäger-Regiments 2 „Brandenburg"
08.05.1945: POW
00.07.1945: released
00.02.1942: promoted to Oberleutnant
00.00.1956: Hauptmann, joined the Bundeswehr
00.00.1957: Kompaniechef, Panzergrenadierlehrbataillon
00.00.1958: Taktiklehrer, Heeresoffizierschule III, München
00.00.1959: Kommandeur, Panzergrenadierlehrbataillon
01.10.1960: promoted to Major
01.10.1962: promoted to Oberstleutnant and Kommandeur, Panzergrenadierbataillon 242, Füssen
00.00.1965: Taktiklehrer, Heeresoffizierschule III
01.04.1969: promoted to Oberst and Lehrgruppenkommandeur, Kampftruppenschule I, Hammelburg
00.00.1971: Kommandeur, Panzerbrigade 15, Koblenz
00.00.1974-00.00.1977: Kommandeur, Kampftruppenschule I, Hammelburg
01.10.1977: promoted to Brigadegeneral and Divisionskommandeur und Kommandeur, Divisionstruppen, 4. Jägerdivision, Regensburg
31.10.1981: retired as a Brigadegeneral
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- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant)
- Unit:
- Führer, II. Bataillon, Jäger-Regiment 2, Division "Brandenburg"
- Awarded on:
- March 17th, 1945
Oberleutnant Afheldt and his heavily weakened II./Jäger-Regiment 2 “Brandenburg” launched a night attack into the village of Neu-Wiersewitz at around 23:00 on the 31.01.1945. The defending Soviet forces were taken by surprise and overrun. During the course of the combat the Sturmgeschütze and Panzerjäger that were attached to Afheldt’s Bataillon were also able to destroy a number of Soviet tanks located in the village and along the forest edge that lay beyond it.
The capture of this village eliminated a massive flank threat to Gruppe von Saucken’s crossing over the Oder river at Neu-Fähreichen. Oberleutnant Afheldt was consequently awarded the Knight’s Cross for this significant tactical victory.
- Photo 1: Willi Schumacher
- Photo: Willi Schumacher Collection
- - FELLGIEBEL, W.P., Elite of theThird Reich, Helion & Company Limited, Solihull, 2003.
- TEGETHOFF, RALPH, Die Ritterkreuzträger des Panzerkorps Großdeutschland und seiner Schwesterverbände, DS- Vlg. o.J., Riesa, 1998.
- THOMAS, FRANZ & WEGMANN, GüNTER, Die Ritterkreuzträger der Deutschen Wehrmacht 1939-1945, Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück, 1987.