Altmann, Gustav (Fallschirmjäger)
- Date of birth:
- April 13th, 1912 (Britz/Brandenburg, Germany)
- Date of death:
- February 20th, 1981 (Reinhardshagen/Hesse, Germany)
- Nationality:
- German
17.12.1937: promoted Leutnant
01.04.1939: promoted Oberleutnant
16.05.1940: promoted Hauptmann
24.08.1942: promoted Major
09.04.1931: began career with the Polizei, training at the police school at Kiel
01.10.1935: transferred from Staatspolizeigruppe Wecke to the 'General Göring' Rgt 09.1937: began training with the officer training school in Berlin
1937: Leutnant, appointed Chef 11./ 'Gen.Göring' Rgt
09.1939: Oberleutnant, appointed Chef 1./ Fsch.Jg Rgt.1
01.03.1940: transferred to Sturm-Abt. 'Koch'
10.05.1940: led Sturmgruppe 'Stahl' - Fort Eben Emael, Belgium
12.05.1940: Oberleutnant, awarded Ritterkreuz, Führer Gr. "Stahl" in Fsch.Jäg.Sturm-Abt. "Koch"
01.10.1940: Hauptmann, appointed Chef 2. Kp./ Sturm-Rgt. 1
05.1941: Hauptmann, Chef 2./ Fsch.Jg.Sturm-Rgt
22.05.1941: POW of the British and later held at Akrotiri/Cyprus
01.08.1944: officially listed as a POW or internee in a neutral country
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- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant)
- Unit:
- Führer, Sturmgruppe "Stahl", Sturm-Abteilung "Koch", 7. Flieger-Division, Luftwaffe
- Awarded on:
- May 12th, 1940
On the first day of the Battle of France (10.05.1940) Oberleutnant Altmann commanded Sturmgruppe “Stahl”, the Fallschirmjäger detachment that was tasked with seizing the bridge over the Albert Canal at Veldwezelt. Altmann and his men succeeded in capturing the bridge and then holding it against fierce attacks by the Belgian 7th Infantry Division until finally being relieved by a reinforced Bataillon of the Schützen-Regiment 33.
This was the only bridge over the Albert Canal along the German’s advance road that led towards Antwerp. Altmann would thereby swiftly be awarded the Knight’s Cross for achieving such a major operational success.
Was simultaneously promoted to Hauptmann.
"In den Kämpfen um Kreta zeichneten sich die unter Führung von Major Koch, Hauptmann Altmann und Oberleutnant Genz stehenden Fallschirmverbände durch Kühnheit und Heldenmut aus."
"In the battles in Crete parachute units under the leadership of Major Koch, Hauptmann Altmann and Oberleutnant Genz distinguished themselves through boldness and heroic courage."
- Photo: Gustav Altmann - Lexikon der Wehrmacht
- - FELLGIEBEL, W.P., Elite of theThird Reich, Helion & Company Limited, Solihull, 2003.
- THOMAS, FRANZ & WEGMANN, GüNTER, Die Ritterkreuzträger der Deutschen Wehrmacht 1939-1945, Biblio-Verlag, 1986.
- Lexikon der Wehrmacht
- Fallschirmjägerkameradschaft Düsseldorf "Dr. Heinrich Neumann"
- Gustav Altmann | Military Wiki | Fandom