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Barmetler, Josef (Fallschirmjäger-Sturm-Reg.1)

Date of birth:
March 11th, 1904 (Kempten im Allgäu/Bavaria, Germany)
Date of death:
February 20th, 1945 (Kempten/Bavaria, Germany)
Service number:
SS-Nr.: // NSDAP-Nr.:


Josef Barmetler died on February 20th, 1945 of the wounds he had received. At that moment he held the rank of Major der Reserve.

01.06.1926: Oberschütze
31.09.1927: Unteroffizier-Anwärter
01.11.1927: Gefreiter
01.10.1929: Oberjäger
01.10.1931: Unterfeldwebel
01.10.1933: Feldwebel
01.05.1937: Leutnant d. R. - RDA 01.03.1939
01.01.1940: Oberleutnant d. R. - RDA 01.08.1939
25.07.1941: Hauptmann d. R. - RDA 01.07.1941
19.10.1943: SS-Hauptsturmführer
01.06.1944: Major d. R. - RDA 01.06.1944

02.04.1924-15.10.1935: 15. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 19
16.10.1935: Feldwebel, 4. Kompanie, Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99, Füssen
31.05.1936: retired as Feldwebel der Reserve
00.09.1939: Leutnant der Reserve, Zugführer, 4. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 316
01.12.1939: Führer, 2. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 316
00.05.1940: Oberleutnant der Reserve, Führer, 2. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 316
00.06.1940: Fallschirmschule Wittstock
00.07.1940: Oberleutnant der Reserve, II. Bataillon, Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1
00.08.1940: transferred to the Luftwaffe
00.09.1940: Oberleutnant der Reserve, Chef, 7. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1
20.05.1941: Operation Merkur, Creta - Hill 107, Galatas - severely WIA
25.07.1941: Hauptmann der Reserve, Chef, 7. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1
15.10.1941: Hauptmann der Reserve, Führer, Stab, II. Bataillon, Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1
29.11.1941: WIA and sent to a Lazarett
09.02.1942: Fallschirm-Ergänzungs-Regiment 1, Stendal
11.09.1942: Fallschirm-Ersatz-Bataillon Stendal
15.12.1942: Chef, 5. Kompanie, Fallschirm-Ersatz-Bataillon Stendal
10.12.1943: Stab, II. Bataillon, Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6
01.03.1944: stellvertretender Führer, II. Bataillon, Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6
01.06.1944: Major der Reserve, stellvertretender Führer, II. Bataillon, Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6
20.02.1945: DOW received in Creta

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Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 4.Klasse, 4 Jahre
Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht  3.Klasse, 12 Jahre
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberleutnant der Reserve (1st Lieutenant of Reserves)
Chef, 2. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 316
Awarded on:
June 22nd, 1940
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Awarded on:
July 1940
Fallschirmschützenabzeichen der Luftwaffe
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberleutnant der Reserve (1st Lieutenant of Reserves)
Führer, 7 Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1
Awarded on:
June 18th, 1941
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberleutnant der Reserve (1st Lieutenant of Reserves)
Chef, 7. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1
Awarded on:
May 1941
Awarded for:
Operation Merkur
WIA 20.05.1941
Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberleutnant der Reserve (1st Lieutenant of Reserves)
Führer, 7. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Fallschirmjäger-Sturm-Regiment 1, 7. Flieger-Division, Luftwaffe
Awarded on:
July 9th, 1941
Awarded for his actions during the battle of Crete. On the afternoon of the 20.05.1941 he and his 7. Kompanie assaulted Hill 107 from the south and were able to capture the southern part of the hill in the evening. In the process the unit captured 100 men and 4 officers.

At around 08:00 on the next day the Kompanie continued its advance to the peak of the hill from the south. The Kompanie made contact with the Kampfgruppe led by Oberstabarzt Dr. Neumann, and the artillery and AA guns on the hill were finally eliminated with the help of Kampfgruppen Gericke and Trebes.

Later, on the 25.05.1941, Oberleutnant Barmetler was in the process of attacking the Galatas heights when he realized that the Gebirgsjäger on his right wing were not keeping up. Before receiving any orders from the Bataillon commander, Oberleutnant Barmetler sent in elements of his Kompanie in the direction of the Gebirgsjäger. Along with the support of heavy weapons, 7. Kompanie was able to get into the rear of the enemy. The defending 5th New Zealand Brigade was ultimately forced to give up the Galatas Heights, and with this an important precondition for the surrender of Crete was established. Oberleutnant Barmetler himself was however wounded during this decisive thrust.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Ärmelband Kreta
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe

