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Dirlewanger, Dr., Oskar Paul (Waffen SS)

Date of birth:
September 26th, 1895 (Würzburg/Bavaria, Germany)
Date of death:
June 7th, 1945 (Althausen/Württemberg, Germany)
Service number:
SS-Nr.: 357.267 // NSDAP-Nr.: 1.098.716


01.10.1913: Einjährih Freiwilliger, MG Kompanie, 5. Württembergisches Infanterie Regiment '"König Karl" Nr. 123, XIII. königl. Württemb. Korps
27.07.1914: prmoted to Unteroffizier
23.08.1914: WIA 2 times in Belgium
28.08.1914: WIA
00.08.1914-00.12.1914: hospitalized
24.12.1914: promoted to Vize-Feldwebel
14.04.1915: promoted to Leutnant der Reserve
07.09.1915: severely WIA
00.09.1915-00.03.1916: hospitals in Trier then Esslingen
00.12.1916: Leutnant, Stab, 7. Infanterie Division
00.04.1917-00.10.1918: Leutnant, Chef, 2. (MG) Kompanie, 3. Württembergisches Infanterie Regiment '"Alt-Württemberg" Nr. 121
30.04.1918: WIA
00.10.1918-00.11.1918: Leutnant, temporary Kdr, II. Bataillon, 3. Württembergisches Infanterie Regiment '"Alt-Württemberg" Nr. 121
30.12.1918: promoted to Oberleutnant der Reserve
00.00.1919: Reichswehr Schutzbrigade 21, fightings in the Ruhr
00.00.1920: 13. Württembergische Brigade
00.03.1921: WIA
00.06.1921: took part in the fightings in Upper Silesia, Freikorps 'Holz'
00.00.1922: Doctor in political sciences and Ehrenbürger der Stadt Sangershausen
01.10.1922: joined the SA, SA Sturmbann 1/122, Stuttgart
01.03.1932: entered the NSDAP
02.08.1932: promoted to SA-Scharführer
04.08.1933: promoted to SA-Truppführer
09.11.1933: promoted to SA-Sturmführer
00.00.1934: Leiter, Arbeitsamt Heilbronn
05.05.1934-10.03.1937: sentenced and jailed in Ludwigsburg then in the Schutzhaftlager Welzheim
00.04.1937-00.10.1937: u Bandera
00.00.1938-00.00.1939: WIA 3 times
00.07.1938-00.05.1939: Panzer Einheit 'Imker' - Legion Condor
15.06.1940-01.09.1940: Kdr, Widdieb Kommando 'Oranienburg'
24.06.1940: joined the Waffen SS as SS-Mann
01.07.1940: promoted to SS-Obersturmführer der Reserve
00.07.1940-01.09.1940: Kdr, SS-Sonderkommando 'Dirlewanger'
19.08.1940: promoted to SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve
00.08.1940: restored 'Dr.'
01.09.1940-10.08.1943: SS-Hstuf, Kdr, SS-Sonderbataillon 'Dirlewanger'
08.02.1942: promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer der Reserve
00.07.1942: WIA
12.05.1943: promoted to SS-Obersturmbannführer der Reserve
01.08.1943: WIA
08.11.1943-02.12.1943: SS-Ostubaf, Kdr, SS-Regiment 'Dirlewanger' during the fightings in Newel
00.09.1943-19.12.1944: SS-Ostubaf, Kdr, SS-Sonderbrigade « Dirlewanger »
19.03.1944: promoted to SS-Standartenführer der Reserve
12.08.1944: promoted to SS-Oberführer der Reserve
19.12.1944-20.02.1945: SS-Ofhr, Kdr, 2. SS-Sturmbrigade 'Dirlewanger'
15.02.1945: WIA for the 12th times on the Oder Front
20.02.1945-: SS-Ofhr, Kdr, 36. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS
01.06.1945: arrested by the French troops in Althausen, Upper Swabia
07.06.1945: beaten to death by Polish guards in Althausen
17.06.1945: buried
12.11.1960: exhumed by order of the French Court for confirmation of his death

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
August 28th, 1914
Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse (1914)
First World War (1914-1918)
Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)
5. (MG) Kompanie, Württembergisches Grenadier Regiment "König Karl" Nr. 123
Awarded on:
October 4th, 1915
Goldene Militär-Verdienstmedaille
First World War (1914-1918)
Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)
5. (MG) Kompanie, Württembergisches Grenadier Regiment "König Karl" Nr. 123
Awarded on:
July 13th, 1916
Eisernes Kreuz 1.Klasse (1914)
First World War (1914-1918)
5. (MG) Kompanie, Württembergisches Grenadier Regiment "König Karl" Nr. 123
Awarded on:
April 30th, 1918
WIA 23.08.1914 + 23.08.1914 + 28.08.1914 + 07.09.1915 + 30.04.1918
Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber (1918)
Awarded on:
February 1934
Ehrenwinkel der Alten Kämpfer
First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Awarded on:
April 1st, 1939
Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP 10 Jahre
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Awarded on:
Medalla de la Campaña de España 1936-1939
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Awarded on:
Cruz del Mérito Militar
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)
Kompanie-Führer, Panzer Einheit 'Imker', Legion Condor
Awarded on:
June 3rd, 1939
Spanienkreuz, Silber mit Schwertern
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
May 24th, 1942

Had already received the Iron Cross 2nd Class on August 28th 1914.
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 2er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
September 16th, 1942

Had already received the Iron Cross 1st Class on July 13th 1916.
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 1er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
October 9th, 1942
Tapferkeitsauszeichnung für Angehörige der Ostvölker 2. Klasse in Silber
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
November 10th, 1942
Tapferkeitsauszeichnung für Angehörige der Ostvölker 1. Klasse in Silber
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
June 6th, 1943
Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
July 9th, 1943
WIA 3 times with Legion Condor 1938-1939 + 00.07.1942 + 01.08.1943 + 01.08.1943 + 15.02.1945 (12th wounds)
Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Gold
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
Kommandeur, SS-Sonderbataillon Dirlewanger, Waffen-SS
Awarded on:
December 5th, 1943
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
March 19th, 1944
Nahkampfspange in Bronze
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Bandenkampfabzeichen in Silber
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Oberführer der Reserve
Kommandeur, SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger, Waffen-SS
Awarded on:
September 30th, 1944
Dirlewanger’s Knight’s Cross recommendation reads as follows…

“On the 24.04.1944 strong partisan forces had massed between the Beresina and Tschernitza rivers, and had heavily dug themselves in. Fierce enemy fire from heavy weapons and small arms initially prevented a frontal attack. SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger made the decision to take advantage of the natural cover provided by the terrain and attack the enemy in the flank and rear. Fighting in the foremost line, and showing great determination and personal energy, he succeeded in surprising the enemy, cutting off their retreat and inflicting severe losses upon them.

During the general withdrawal movements from the central sector of the Russian front SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger decided to occupy a blocking position southeast of Lida with elements of his Regiment on the 07.07.1944. In doing this he tied down the hotly pursuing the enemy forces for quite some time, which enabled his and other supply troops to make their way along the Lisa-Grodno road without sustaining significant losses. He fought at the head of his men and gave them an example of decisiveness and determination, which inspired them to defend bitterly against a much larger enemy force. However the strong enemy pressure and heavy artillery barrages forced him to withdraw in order to avoid even greater friendly losses. Yet his aim to enable the straggling elements of the Regiment to follow him had been achieved. Without his bold action these would otherwise have faced encirclement and certain captivity at the hands of the enemy.

On the 05.08.1944 the SS-Sonderregiment Dirlewanger was deployed to the western edge of Warsaw to help crush the revolt of Polish and Bolshevik partisans in the city. However heavy urban combat developed right after leaving the jump-off positions. Well camouflaged and barricaded rifle positions of the bandits had to be overpowered. It was only the tactical abilities, boldness and ruthlessness of SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger that ensured that this attack stayed in motion and reached its ordered daily objectives. Here as well SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger showed great enthusiasm, personally crushing enemy resistance nests alongside his men with a weapon in hand. He was an example of bravery, courage and fulfillment of duty for his troops. Barricades and minefields along the Litzmann road initially held up a further advance. After the intervention of Stukas, Panzers and other heavy weapons SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger stormed forwards with his men. Here he and his soldiers inflicted heavy losses on the enemy by throwing hand grenades, and forced them to give up their positions. Over the course of the continued heavy urban combat the bold attitude of SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger carried the attack in a purposeful fashion. Already on the 08.08.1944, after the Adolf Hitler Platz had been taken and the Wehrmacht headquarters relieved, the Vistula river was reached and contact restored with the frontline on the opposite side. SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger went on to show great military skill, bravery and fearlessness during the destruction of enemy forces in the Old Market pocket on the 02.09.1944. Always fighting in the foremost line with his men, he eliminated hostile resistance nests and snipers. The complete liquidation of this pocket was already completed by midday on the 03.09.1944.

On the 04.09.1944 the thrust against the eastern edge of the southern pocket and the clearing of the Vistula bank began. Heavy enemy fire did not hold SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger back. Once again fighting in the foremost line, he inspired his men to swiftly advance forwards through his fearless example. In this manner he helped bring about the clearing of the Vistula bank, notwithstanding the friendly losses.

Through his repeated deeds SS-Oberführer has shown that he belongs to the bravest of the brave, especially considering that he came out of the First World War in a 50% disabled state. I therefore recommend him for the award of the Knight’s Cross to the Iron Cross.”
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

