After 1945, Wilhelm Drewes served as Polizeihauptkommissar in Bremen.
During the relief of Kowel in early 1944 Drewes and his Bataillon attacked the chain of hills west of Smidyn on the 31.03.1944. He and his men then captured the western part of Smidyn in accordance with their orders. However when he saw that the bridges between the two parts of the village were undamaged, he continued attacking into the eastern part of Smidyn on his own initiative. He stormed this place with only 2 Kompanien and 2 Panzers, and in doing so created an important bridgehead. By this action the conditions were established for the 4. and 5. Panzer-Divisionen to continue their relief efforts on the other side of the large ring of swampy land around Kowel, which eventually led to the relief of the city itself. Drewes would be decorated with the Oakleaves for the major achievement brought about by his own initiative here.
458th Award.