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Koster, Hendricus Petrus

Date of birth:
April 11th, 1883 (Haarlem, the Netherlands)
Date of death:
August 1st, 1963 (Dordrecht, the Netherlands)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Gepensioneerd adjudant-onderofficier-instucteur.
Korps Pontonniers en Torpedisten, Wapen der Genie, Koninklijke Landmacht
Awarded on:
March 15th, 1948
For having distinguished himself in combat in performing eminent deeds of courage, tact and loyalty in the early morning of May 10, 1940 in Dordrecht — although he had already retired in 1936 he reported for duty as an instructor after mobilisation was proclaimed in August 1939 — and he promptly set up a patrol in order to independently engage an overwhelming force of hostile paratroops, superior in numbers as well as in armament.
That day, during the first action of his patrol over almost open terrain, he attacked a house near the suburb of Krispijn occupied by a strong enemy; taking an injured corporal to safety under enemy fire as no one of his platoon dared to do so. Later on he penetrated into the house and took the occupants prisoner.
In a second action, again over almost open terrain, he approached the occupants of a clubhouse near a football pit from the rear, herding them tactfully and with well aimed fire into the hands of another unit, making the their arrest easier.
The next day, moving out with his patrol again and in close proximity of the Jewish cemetery, he fired at a car containing some 8 German soldiers, killing the driver. Subsequently these enemies were either killed or taken prisoner.
Finally, on May 12, he prevented the enemy from penetrating the railway line between Gorinchem and Dordrecht and thereby, accompanied by only one man, tactfully approached an enemy machine gun post from the flank, silencing the gun and capturing it himself under enemy fire.
Ridder vierde klasse der Militaire Willems Orde (MWO.4)


  • - Heuvel C.C. van den, Gedenkboek Verzetsherdenkingskruis, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1985
    - Maalderink P.G.H., De Militaire Wilemsorde sedert 1940, Sijthoff Pers, Rijswijk, 1982
    - | Nationaal Archief
