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Callow, Oscar Graham

Service number:


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Staff Sergeant
Field Section, IS-9, Military Intelligence Section 9 (MI9), Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), War Office, British Government
Awarded on:
November 14th, 1947
"OSCAR G. CALLOW, Staff Sergeant, 2878999, London Scottish, British. For exceptionally meritorious services to the United States in the prosecution of the war in Italy from 1 June 1944 to 8 May 1945. Placed on detached services from his regiment to headquarters IS-9 the organization responsible for the rescue of Allied escapees and evaders from enemy territory, staff Sergeant Callow was assigned the difficult and dangerous task of establishing routes through front lines by which escapees could be rescued. On 4 July 1944, in company with an Italian Officer, he personally penetrated 15 miles into enemy territory and, with the help of local partisans, effected the rescue of eight Allied ex-prisoners. The party spent three days in enemy territory and successfully defeated three separate attacks by enemy elements. From then until the end of hostilities the Field Section of IS-9, to which Staff Sergeant Callow was attached, succeeded in rescuing 69 Allied personnel from enemy territory. Staff Sergeant Callow's duties have always been carried out with an outstanding display of personal courage and untiring energy, in keeping with the highest traditions of the British Army.

Entered service from London, England."
Medal of Freedom

